FYI: Can not start a container 2013R2
KristofKlein opened this issue · comments
This is kind of a follow up on Issue #379.
We also got stuck with dism not able to enable the dotnet3 feature(s). What helped me (but not my collegue) was to change the given code of 71\navinstall.ps1 to:
Write-Host "Installing .NET 3"
Set-Service -Name wuauserv -StartupType "Manual"
DISM /Online /Quiet /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\NAVDVD\Prerequisite Components\" | Out-Null
Dism /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:"C:\NAVDVD\Prerequisite Components" /limitaccess | Out-Null
I don't expect that there will be much energy put into this. But maybe it gives you or others a hint what causes issues with that part of the script...
to find out what works I did as suggested: went into the container (yes it is there even if it fails to get NAV running) and worked my way through this dism stuff until I found a combo that worked. I than took a copy of the navinstall.ps1 , changed it accordingly and handed it into new-navcontainer -myScripts @("C:\temp\run71\navinstall.ps1")
Thanks for sharing.