microsoft / maro

Multi-Agent Resource Optimization (MARO) platform is an instance of Reinforcement Learning as a Service (RaaS) for real-world resource optimization problems.

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how can we generate the topology dataset files based our own Virtual Machine Scheduling Scenario business? Are there some examples or tools

yourmoonlight opened this issue · comments

from the docs, only find some Azure public datasets.

if we want apply maro framework to our own scenario, IMHO, perhaps we should know how to generate our own dataset first?

@kyu-kuanwei Please help to answer this question. Add data scheme part in the doc if needed.

Thank you for your interest in this scenario and welcome to contribute new topologies! @yourmoonlight

@yourmoonlight Sorry for our late reply. We just update the Docs.
Please check the data preparation part. We detailed the data schema and the data format that you can follow to prepare your own dataset.
And we also provided the build command to convert the csv files to the binary files that the MARO simulator can use. Please also see the Build Command part for detailed information.

Hope this helps and feel free to leave any comments.