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[Bug] Text embedding generator for LLamaSharp fails during token count.

vvdb-architecture opened this issue · comments

Context / Scenario

If you want to use LLamaSharp, with the latest version of Kernel Memory and remain on your local hardware, you need to write a text embedding generator.

There aren't a thousand ways to write one. Here's mine:

    internal sealed class TextEmbeddingGenerator : ITextEmbeddingGenerator, IDisposable
        private readonly LLamaWeights _weights;
        private readonly LLamaEmbedder _embedder;
        private readonly LLamaContext _context;

        public TextEmbeddingGenerator(LlamaSharpConfig config, ILogger<TextEmbeddingGenerator>? logger)
            var parameters = new ModelParams(config.ModelPath)
                ContextSize = config.MaxTokenTotal
            MaxTokens = (int)config.MaxTokenTotal;
            if (config.GpuLayerCount.HasValue)
                parameters.GpuLayerCount = config.GpuLayerCount.Value;
            if (config.Seed.HasValue)
                parameters.Seed = config.Seed.Value;
            _weights = LLamaWeights.LoadFromFile(parameters);
            _embedder = new LLamaEmbedder(_weights, parameters, logger);
            _context = _weights.CreateContext(parameters, logger);

        public int CountTokens(string text)
            return _context.Tokenize(text).Length;

        public Task<Embedding> GenerateEmbeddingAsync(string text, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var embeddings = _embedder.GetEmbeddings(text);
            return Task.FromResult(new Embedding(embeddings));

        public void Dispose()

        public int MaxTokens { get; }

What happened?

This works well except when you're doing some text partitioning. Then the call to _context.Tokenize(text) throws an exception:

  Message=Error happened during tokenization. It's possibly caused by wrong encoding. Please try to specify the encoding.
   at LLama.Native.SafeLLamaContextHandle.Tokenize(String text, Boolean add_bos, Boolean special, Encoding encoding)
   at LLama.LLamaContext.Tokenize(String text, Boolean addBos, Boolean special)
   at ConsoleApp1.TextEmbeddingGenerator.CountTokens(String text) in D:\Source\km\ConsoleApp1\TextEmbeddingGenerator.cs:line 33
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.Split(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, String inputString, Int32 maxTokens, ReadOnlySpan`1 separators, Boolean trim, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.Split(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, String inputString, Int32 maxTokens, ReadOnlySpan`1 separators, Boolean trim, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.Split(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, String inputString, Int32 maxTokens, ReadOnlySpan`1 separators, Boolean trim, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.Split(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, String inputString, Int32 maxTokens, ReadOnlySpan`1 separators, Boolean trim, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.Split(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, String inputString, Int32 maxTokens, ReadOnlySpan`1 separators, Boolean trim, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.Split(List`1 input, Int32 maxTokens, ReadOnlySpan`1 separators, Boolean trim, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.InternalSplitLines(String text, Int32 maxTokensPerLine, Boolean trim, String[] splitOptions, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.<>c.<SplitPlainTextParagraphs>b__6_0(String text, Int32 maxTokens, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.ProcessParagraphs(List`1 paragraphs, Int32 adjustedMaxTokensPerParagraph, Int32 overlapTokens, String chunkHeader, Func`4 longLinesSplitter, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.DataFormats.Text.TextChunker.InternalSplitTextParagraphs(List`1 lines, Int32 maxTokensPerParagraph, Int32 overlapTokens, String chunkHeader, Func`4 longLinesSplitter, TokenCounter tokenCounter)
   at Microsoft.KernelMemory.Handlers.TextPartitioningHandler.<InvokeAsync>d__9.MoveNext()

After investigation, it turns out that (contrary to what the exception mentions), this has nothing to do with encoding.

It has to do with the text string containing only a newline: "\n".

The workaround is to rewrite the method as follows:

        public int CountTokens(string text)
            if (text == "\n")
                return 0;
            return _context.Tokenize(text).Length;

I am therefore wondering if this isn't a bug in LLamaContext.Tokenize. Surely it should handle newline text without throwing an exception.


a fix would make my life easier

Platform, Language, Versions

Microsoft.KernelMemory.AI.LlamaSharp Version="0.26.240104.1"
Microsoft.KernelMemory.Core Version="0.26.240104.1"

Relevant log output

No response

The exception is coming from LLama.Native.SafeLLamaContextHandle.Tokenize so it looks like a bug in the LlamaSharp repo (or the underlying llama.cpp code). Could you report the bug at ?

The issue has been reported to the LLamaSharp colleagues and has been closed in the meantime. Thanks!