microsoft / ga4gh-tes

C# implementation of the GA4GH TES API; provides distributed batch task execution on Microsoft Azure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Display test compliance tests results as a badge inside the main page on the repo

yuliadub opened this issue · comments

We run tes compliance tests today, but do not display their status anywhere. This issues captures ways to start displaying these results inside the repo as a badge.

There are a few ways to approach this. The main crux between displaying results in github is that compliance tests do not actually run inside of github, they instead run inside of our DevOps instance. There is no way that is currently set up to connect the pipeline that happens in DevOps to github.

Option 1:
Manually generate the badges as part of the top ReadMe and update them for every new release of TES based on compliance test results.

Option 2:
Store the results of the tes-compliance runs happening in the pipeline somewhere accessible by github (storage account, database) and then implement a github action that runs on main merges to update the badges accordingly. This would require having an accessible resource in Azure that can be written to and read from, as well as a credential that github actions can use to do so.

Option 3:
Move all steps of release pipeline to Github.

Option 4:
Investigate if it would be possible to only deploy TES API and run the tests without the rest of TES (for the most part the tests just verify that responses from the API are correct, they dont care if TES actually does the appropriate steps in the backend.

Option 5:
We can have a standing TES deployment that will update each time main is deployed - it should always be up, maybe in a test subscription that is isolate so there is less risk in case something happens to it - then there can be a github action that runs tes compliance tests on that instance that lives in Github.

Option 6:
Suggested by Venkat - include the tes compliance tests reports as a file in the release that gets pushed to github from devops (already in place), then have a github action that pulls that file from the release and updates badges/produces reports.

Code dependencies
This will specifically require changes in the build pipeline, and the main dependency would be tes itself and then tes compliance tests.