microsoft / fluentui-react-native

A react-native component library that implements the Fluent Design System.

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Keyboard Focus lands on back button after activating delete button.

msftedad opened this issue · comments

Willing to submit a PR to fix?

  • I am willing to submit a PR to fix

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OS version(s)



  • iOS
  • macOS
  • win32
  • windows
  • android

Xcode version

No response

Please provide a reproduction of the bug

Repro Steps:
Open the
Navigate to Example.
Navigate to My device and turn on the toggle button.
Select iOS and click on Tap to play.
Select the 2-button alert and select cancel button.
Observe that focus should land on the 2-button alert.

Actual behavior

After activating the delete button keyboard focus first lands on the back button and then move to the other interactive contents in the background. Users need to perform lots of keystrokes to reach the interactive controls within the delete task dialog.

Expected behavior

Focus should land on the first interactive element under "delete task' pop-up after activating delete button.
React attchment.webm

The linked example is a plain React Native example, not specific to FluentUI React Native? I also can't see your video. I don't think this repo is the right place for this issue