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feat: add Appearance to FluentProgressRing

Skintkingle opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ™‹ Feature Request

The ability to configure the Appearance similar to other Fluent components.

πŸ€” Expected Behavior

<FluentProgressRing Appearance=Appearence />

😯 Current Behavior

<FluentProgressRing Color=GetRingColourFromButtonAndAppearenceConfigAsync() />
  @code {
      public Appearance? Appearance { get; set; }
      private async Task<string> GetRingColourFromButtonAndAppearenceConfigAsync()
           var swatch = await GetSwatchForConfiguredAppearence();
           return $"#{((int)(swatch.R * 255)):X2}{((int)(swatch.G * 255)):X2}{((int)(swatch.B * 255)):X2}";
      private async Task<Swatch?> GetSwatchForConfiguredAppearence()
            return Appearance switch
                Appearance.Neutral => neutralForegroundColour.GetValueFor(_fluentButtonRef!.Element),
                Appearance.Accent => accentForegroundColour.GetValueFor(_fluentButtonRef!.Element),
                _ => null

πŸ’ Possible Solution

An implementation of Appearance on the FluentProgressRing to allow per-component theming changes between the built-in colour sets. (Neutral, Accent, Lightweight, Stealth, etc)

Where this isn't available (possibly due to the wrapped framework also not supporting it). A nicer way to get a Colour HexString from a Swatch, or advice where this extension method exists already.

πŸ”¦ Context

As part of componentising some functionality, a FluentProgressRing appears on top of a FluentButton.
The FluentButton can be configured with the Appearance property to (normally dramatically) change the Colour of the button. Either to make it pop out more in contrast to other buttons, or to indicate some preference, etc. The same Appearance configuration cannot be provided to the FluentProgressRing So given contrasts between Accent and Neutral colour configurations, sometimes an Accent Background is displayed along or behind a Neutral foreground. these colours are often not complimentary. (For example, Accent background may be black instead of white, where a Neutral is white background black foreground). With these 2 combined it makes it impossible to see.

A workaround we have introduced is to inject the NeutralForegroundActive and AccentForegroundActive design tokens and read the value off of the FluentButton depending on the value of Appearance. This lead us to another issue that you can only provide a Hex colour string to FluentProgressRing and there appears to be no "ToHexColor" or similar extension method for Swatches. If you feel this would be a useful feature request in itself (I certainly think so) then I will raise it separately. Or I'd love to be told where this extension method lives, so that I can use a similar method without having to put frameworky code in my solution.

πŸ’» Examples

Provided in Current Behavior and Expected Behavior


I don't think Appearance is a correct term/way to style the ProgressRing. At tleast, that is not how the Fluent Design is using that. What would happen if you set a ProgressRing to stealth appearance? Does it only display when the mouse moves over it?

Users (both developers and end-users excpect a certain commonality in the terms used and the effects of using it produce. We feel the Color parameter offers enough customization for this specific elelment/component. And by providing that option, we are already strechtching the limits a bit

As part of componentising some functionality, a FluentProgressRing appears on top of a FluentButton.
The FluentButton can be configured with the Appearance property to (normally dramatically) change the Colour of the button. Either to make it pop out more in contrast to other buttons, or to indicate some preference, etc. The same Appearance configuration cannot be provided to the FluentProgressRing

We do that by design. The system determines the color of the ProgressRing then, just as it determimes the text color (mostly to guard contrast is sufficient)

So given contrasts between Accent and Neutral colour configurations, sometimes an Accent Background is displayed along or behind a Neutral foreground. these colours are often not complimentary. (For example, Accent background may be black instead of white, where a Neutral is white background black foreground). With these 2 combined it makes it impossible to see.

There is no notion of an Accent background in the design system. It is just a fill color. Setting accent to black would mean an Acen button would be black, the Tabs indicator would be black, a 'on' switch would be black, etc.

Turning this into a discussion item so others can chime in.