microsoft / VSProjectSystem

Documentation for extending Visual Studio with new types of projects.

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Solution Explorer icons not working

manuelxmarquez opened this issue · comments

I have a project with custom solution explorer icons that stopped working in VS2022. I followed the guide but it no longer works.

If I set the icon using propertyValues.Icon = KnownMonikers.CSProjectNode.ToProjectSystemType(); it works, but not for custom icons.

I verified my icons are included in the assembly with ILSpy and even used the following code:

var imageService = ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsImageService)) as IVsImageService2;
var resource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"file:///F:/Test.png"));

var img = Microsoft.Internal.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.WpfPropertyValue.CreateIconObject(resource);
var imgHandle = imageService.AddCustomImage(img);
var moniker = imgHandle.Moniker;

propertyValues.Icon = new ProjectImageMoniker(moniker.Guid, moniker.Id);

But it still shows blank.

What are the new steps to get this working?

I managed to fix the issue by adding the ProvideBindingPath attribute to the Package.

[PackageRegistration(UseManagedResourcesOnly = true, AllowsBackgroundLoading = true)]
[ProvideBindingPath] // Fixes icons.
internal sealed class ProjectPackage : AsyncPackage

@manuelxmarquez I try it, but my problem is not resolved, all of my information is , did you have any other idea?