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TextViewChangedAsync never called?

znakeeye opened this issue · comments

Using VS 17.9.2 and Microsoft.VisualStudio.Extensibility.Sdk 17.9.2092. Trying to get a simple TextViewEventListener to signal when I edit any opened document. So far, I'm only able to get into the constructor.

What am I missing?

internal class TextViewEventListener : ExtensionPart, ITextViewOpenClosedListener, ITextViewChangedListener
  public TextViewEventListener(MyTestExtension extension, VisualStudioExtensibility extensibility)
      : base(extension, extensibility)

  public TextViewExtensionConfiguration TextViewExtensionConfiguration => new()
      AppliesTo = new[]

  public Task TextViewChangedAsync(TextViewChangedArgs args, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
      throw new NotImplementedException("Never called...");

  public async Task TextViewClosedAsync(ITextViewSnapshot textViewSnapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
      throw new NotImplementedException("Never called...");

  public Task TextViewOpenedAsync(ITextViewSnapshot textViewSnapshot, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
      throw new NotImplementedException("Never called...");

@znakeeye, off hand I don't see any outstanding issues, it should work, the issue is likely in other parts of your extension. Are you still blocked by this? Please describe it a bit more details how you create this. Thanks!
Additionally, the new Diagnostic Explorer extension can help you spot the issue:

I'll create a sample project and get back to you soon.