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UI Designer and Styling Support/Doc

shaggygi opened this issue · comments

This is probably more of a Visual Studio request than extensibility, but when or how do you use the WPF designer to see the UI when developing. It is difficult to code up and wait to spin up and debug in VS instance.

Would also be nice to see more doc details on how to setup the styling for all common controls to work with the theming.

Found this...

Was not successful with GroupBox or ToolBar yet.



how do you use the WPF designer to see the UI when developing

my usage pattern when developing Remote UI xaml is to do as much prototyping as possible of the UI in a standalone WPF application then move the xaml to the extension and add the VS styles (I use the page you liked as reference myself). We don't currently have any plan to share regarding allowing previewing of Remote UI xaml.

Regarding toolbars, we are currently looking into adding the ability to add one VS toolbar (declared like this) to Visualstudio.Extensibility tool windows.

I will leave this open as a request for better documentation for the Visual Studio styles