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Changing caret position

LeeMSilver opened this issue · comments

According to the comments in the EditAsync() definition:
'Initiates an edit request in the host Visual Studio process, enabling the extension
to atomically request one or more Microsoft.VisualStudio.Extensibility.Editor.ITextDocumentSnapshot
edits, caret position changes, or other state changes.'

Is it documented how to make caret position changes?

The selection (caret) is part of so apply edits to its editable version (ITextViewSnapshot.AsEditable())

'... so apply edits to its editable version (ITextViewSnapshot.AsEditable())'

Are you saying that the Delete/Insert/Replace methods affect the selection (caret)? (the comments in ITextDocumentEditor do not indicate this.

Even if so, I sometimes need to set the caret independent of the above methods - to a position not affected by the above methods.

@LeeMSilver, editing text document implicitly affects caret position, for example inserting some text at the caret will move the caret to the end of the inserted text:

await this.Extensibility.Editor().EditAsync(
    batch =>
        textView.Document.AsEditable(batch).Replace(textView.Selection.Extent, newGuidString);

You can use ITextViewSnapshot.AsEditable().SetSelections() to set the caret explicitly to a different position, e.g. this code would insert some text, but keep the caret at the original position:|

await this.Extensibility.Editor().EditAsync(
    batch =>
        var caret = textView.Selection.Extent.Start;
        textView.Document.AsEditable(batch).Replace(textView.Selection.Extent, newGuidString);
        textView.AsEditable(batch).SetSelections([new Selection(activePosition: caret, anchorPosition: caret, insertionPosition: caret)]);

Thanks - that's exactly what I am looking for.

Is it documented anywhere that AsEditable is also an extension-method for ITextViewSnapshot besides being an extension-method for ITextViewSnapshot.Document?

If I had known this I would not have needed to ask the question.

@LeeMSilver fair point about documentation. I'm tracking this issue internally.

@LeeMSilver, editing text document implicitly affects caret position, for example inserting some text at the caret will move the caret to the end of the inserted text:

await this.Extensibility.Editor().EditAsync(
    batch =>
        textView.Document.AsEditable(batch).Replace(textView.Selection.Extent, newGuidString);

You can use ITextViewSnapshot.AsEditable().SetSelections() to set the caret explicitly to a different position, e.g. this code would insert some text, but keep the caret at the original position:|

await this.Extensibility.Editor().EditAsync(
    batch =>
        var caret = textView.Selection.Extent.Start;
        textView.Document.AsEditable(batch).Replace(textView.Selection.Extent, newGuidString);
        textView.AsEditable(batch).SetSelections([new Selection(activePosition: caret, anchorPosition: caret, insertionPosition: caret)]);

I just tried this code but it did not work. The caret is not preserved.

Even though sometimes it seems to work, in reality, if the user presses up/down, the keyboard real anchor is at the end of the file and not at the caret position specified/displayed.

I can even see two caret markers:
A blue caret (the caret position I specified in SetSelections)

A red caret (the one the keyboard/VS is really responding to).

@olegtk is there something I'm missing or could it be a bug in the API?