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Isolated declarations does not handle object getters and setters with different types

lucacasonato opened this issue Β· comments

πŸ”Ž Search Terms

  • isolated declarations
  • object getter
  • object setter

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πŸ’» Code

export const a = {
    get b(): string {
        return ""
    set b(val: string) {

type StringAlias = string;
export const c = {
    get d(): StringAlias {
        return ""
    set d(val: string) {

export const e = {
    get f(): string {
        return ""
    set f(val: number) {

πŸ™ Actual behavior

TypeScript emits:

export declare const a: {
    b: string;
export declare const c: {
    d: string;
export declare const e: {
    get f(): string;
    set f(val: number);

This is behaviour is not possible to reproduce for isolated declarations emitters, because it requires type comparisons for the types of the setter and getter.

πŸ™‚ Expected behavior

One of:

Emit based on syntax, do not collapse a getter/setter pair with the same type to a property

export declare const a: {
    get b(): string;
    set b(val: string);
export declare const c: {
    get d(): StringAlias;
    set d(val: string);
export declare const e: {
    get f(): string;
    set f(val: number);


Error on both c.d and e.f because return type of getter and setter do not match

Additional information about the issue

cc @dragomirtitian

Hm. We didn't allow get/set in types for a looong time, and only added it to support differing getter/setter type pairs - and to avoid accidentally breaking backcompat for people, we only emitted getter/setter pairs if the types of the getter and setter actually differed.

@RyanCavanaugh do you think we've supported getter-setter pairs in .d.ts files for long enough that we can just swap our emit to always retaining the getters/setters, rather than doing the property coalescing it does now?

I feel like we just talked about this in a recent design meeting or something; IMO we should be preserving things as-written and not be doing our merging thing anymore.

I am actually surprised this does error. I remember adding an error if there is a type on both getter and setter, and only collapsing them if the type was specified only on one of them.

Just found another problem related to the current emit:

export const x = {
    set foo(str: string) {}

emits as:

export declare const x: {
    foo: string;

even though it should probably be

export declare const x: {
    set foo(str: string);


export declare const x: {
    get foo(): void;
    set foo(str: string);

Yeah, TS internally has no notion of a "set only property", see #58112 and #58119

(Void is definitely not the right answer, though)