microsoft / Trill

Trill is a single-node query processor for temporal or streaming data.

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how to implement non-invertible user-defined aggregates?

Ohyoukillkenny opened this issue · comments

In addition to Trill’s built-in aggregates (i.e., Count, Sum, Average, Max, Min, TopK), Trill provides a
framework for users to create their own custom aggregates by implementing the IAggregate interface.

public interface IAggregate<TInput, TState, TResult>
    Expression<Func<TState>> InitialState();
    Expression<Func<TState, long, TInput, TState>> Accumulate();
    Expression<Func<TState, long, TInput, TState>> Deaccumulate();
    Expression<Func<TState, TState, TState>> Difference();
    Expression<Func<TState, TResult>> ComputeResult();

However, it looks to me that Trill assumes the user-defined aggregates are invertible and associative, as it requires users to specify the Deaccumulate and the Difference methods.

My question is "Is there a way to implement an aggregate that is meant to be non-invertible in Trill?"

More specifically, how can we implement an operator such as finite impulse response (FIR) filtering that follows the computation as below:

  • input: a stream of signal measurements of the format {val: double, ts: int}, where for simplicity, ts = 1,2,3,4,... that represents the timestamp of the measurement, and val_{t} is the value of the measurement at the time t.
  • FIR parameters: [f1, f2, f3, f4, f5] (an array of doubles)
  • output: a stream of double values that are obtained by out_{t} = f1*val_{t-2} + f2*val_{t-1} + f3*val_{t} + f4*val_{t+1} + f5*val_{t+2}.

In general, the FIR filtering computes the dot product of FIR parameters and every five elements in the stream. As the first step, I think a hopping window shall be applied to the input stream. But I am stuck at designing a user-defined aggregate to address the remaining computations.

Can anyone help me to get through this problem? I will really appreciate it.

You can start with a simple approach like this:

  1. Keep state as Deque < (ts, val) > (deque of tuple of ts, val)
  2. Accumulate : Add the entry to the state (or merge if same timestamp)
    optionally, optimize memory by removing older elements that would not contribute to the result.
  3. De-accumulate : Remove the entry from deque/state
    If you have optimized in Accumulate by reducing elements, you need to appropriately handle here.
  4. Difference : Difference the two deques/states.
  5. ComputeResult :
    a. Select K most recent items from the State/deque (where k is the required items for the FIR product).
    b. Compute out_{t} = f1*val_{t-2} + f2*val_{t-1} + f3*val_{t} with values obtained as above

Then check if you can optimize further by representing the state in a more concise (less memory) form.

You can start with a simple approach like this:

  1. Keep state as Deque < (ts, val) > (deque of tuple of ts, val)
  2. Accumulate : Add the entry to the state (or merge if same timestamp)
    optionally, optimize memory by removing older elements that would not contribute to the result.
  3. De-accumulate : Remove the entry from deque/state
    If you have optimized in Accumulate by reducing elements, you need to appropriately handle here.
  4. Difference : Difference the two deques/states.
  5. ComputeResult :
    a. Select K most recent items from the State/deque (where k is the required items for the FIR product).
    b. Compute out_{t} = f1*val_{t-2} + f2*val_{t-1} + f3*val_{t} with values obtained as above

Then check if you can optimize further by representing the state in a more concise (less memory) form.

Thanks for the reply, and it is very helpful, and I successfully implement the FIR operator according to your suggestion.
May I ask is there any other way to implement customized operators?
I find actually it is arduous to implement aggregators when the deaccumulate and the difference methods are not easy or "unnatural" to be implemented.