microsoft / PSRule

Validate infrastructure as code (IaC) and objects using PowerShell rules.

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As 'Summary' option does not work

avernigora-clgx opened this issue · comments

Description of the issue

-As Summary option does not work. It still produces the full output instead of the summary

To Reproduce



Thanks for raising your first issue, the team appreciates the time you have taken 😉

Thanks @avernigora-clgx for raising an issue. The output you have in the screenshot is expected.

In the summary view today passing rules are compacted into a single item for each resource and errored or failed rules are shown with details.

In the detailed view, each passing or failing/ erroring rule is shown.

While this is the current functionality, what would you like to see in future iterations to make this better?

Also it's worth noting that Assert-PSRule and Invoke-PSRule perform similar functions but display output differently. Assert-PSRule is intended for output in a DevOps pipeline where there is no interactivity of the output but you need as much detail as possible for any issues.

With Invoke-PSRule is follows normal powershell conventions so you can easily filter out data or change the view.

Perhaps in this case it is a good idea to update documentation, as I expected to se the summary table, as it is described in the doc

But my personal feeling is that it would be great if smth like this worked

$rx = assert-PSRule -InputPath .\hub\main.non-prod.bicepparam -Module 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' -Format File -Baseline 'Azure.Default' -As Summary -Option $option
$rx | where status -eq 'Failed'

So I can work with these outputs as they were normal .net objects

But my personal feeling is that it would be great if smth like this worked

$rx = assert-PSRule -InputPath .\hub\main.non-prod.bicepparam -Module 'PSRule.Rules.Azure' -Format File -Baseline 'Azure.Default' -As Summary -Option $option
$rx | where status -eq 'Failed'

So I can work with these outputs as they were normal .net objects

@avernigora-clgx For this, use Invoke-PSRule which provides .NET objects as is expected in PowerShell.

As mentioned, Assert-PSRule is for DevOps pipelines and integration into Visual Studio Code which only understand text, so formatted output is required.

With Invoke-PSRule you absolutely can do something like | where Outcome -eq 'Fail' in the detailed view (not summary). You could apply you own custom formatting.

I think for the most part the docs shows Invoke-PSRule with the -As Summary. If there is a specific part in the docs that was unclear let me know.

Also both Assert-PSRule and Invoke-PSRule support filtering outcome (status) as parameter -Outcome. i.e. -Outcome Fail or -Outcome Fail,Error.