microsoft / EVA

Compiler for the SEAL homomorphic encryption library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Do "a+b", how to provide an encrypted a and an encrypted b for execute?

ChanryLimmy opened this issue · comments

with poly:
    c = Input('a').__add__(Input('b'))
    Output('c', c)
inputs_a = { 'a': [1] }
inputs_b = { 'b' : [2] }
encInputs_a = public_ctx.encrypt(inputs_a, signature)
encInputs_b = public_ctx.encrypt(inputs_b, signature)
# how can i get the result now?
# like this? it doesn't work for me.
encOutputs = public_ctx.execute(compiled_poly, [encInputs_a, encInputs_b])

#5 (comment)
I saw this issues just now.
so in this case what i need to do in the newly defined function?
just merge the std::unordered_map<std::string, SchemeValue> values; together?
how to deal with the seal::EncryptionParameters params; then? @olsaarik

I think you can make what you want by giving a and b in the same dictionary:

with poly:
    a = Input('a')
    b = Input('b')
    Output('c', a+b)

inputs = {'a': [1], 'b': [2]}
encInputs = public_ctx.encrypt(inputs, signature)

compiler = CKKSCompiler()
compiled_poly, params, signature = compiler.compile(poly)
encOutputs = public_ctx.execute(poly, encInputs)
