microsoft / DurableFunctionsMonitor

A monitoring/debugging UI tool for Azure Durable Functions

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dotnet 8 support in isolated mode

lkurzyniec opened this issue · comments

The selected version '.NET 7 Isolated' will deprecate on 5/14/2024. Please consider updating it soon.Learn more

Thanks for the reminder, @lkurzyniec , will certainly take care of this.

Seriously? This needs to be high prio! .Net 7 is a Maintenance release that many cannot use.

Hello @mronnblom-ith , to clarify: .NET versions are backward-compatible.
So nothing prevents you to inject the current DfMon Isolated package into your .NET 8 projects (in which case it is .NET 8 that will be actually used, of course).

The primary reason for keeping DfMon on older .NET versions up to the last moment is to support those who for whatever reason are not yet able to migrate their codebases.

Ok, that is reasonable. It is probably the AspNet Core integration incompatibility that is causing my problems then, not the .Net version.

I'm using standalone isolated version, and it's not working with .NET 8 Isolated .NET version of Function App.

@lkurzyniec , can you please provide more details? How exactly is it not working?

I have a working version on .NET 7 Isolated.

When I changed to .NET 8 Isolated, it stops working.

Error details
Encountered an error (InternalServerError) from host runtime.

@lkurzyniec , I confirm there seems to be an issue like that on a Linux platform. When deploying an empty .NET Isolated project targeting .NET 7 and then changing .NET version to 8 in the instance's settings, the app fails to work until you change TargetFramework to net8.0 in CSPROJ file and redeploy.

On a Windows instance (the one which you'd get by deploying the included ARM template) this does not happen though - DfMon Isolated works fine.

When creating it from scratch in .NET 8 Isolated, the problem is the same.

Anyway, this 6.5.0-beta2 package should work (as it targets .NET 8).

Can you please check?

It's working 🚀
Now I can wait for a stable release of the package, and then I will close that issue.
Thx for that 💪🏼

It would be nice to bump Azure.Identity as version 1.10.4 is vulnerable.

Thanks a lot for your PR, @lkurzyniec !

Typical trouble with massive package bump-ups is that it often breaks things, sometimes in very unexpected places. E.g. here is an example of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.

And sadly here in DfMon, with all its incarnations, all these numerous ways of running it, all various platforms and pricing tiers, we do not have a 100% reliable auto-tests. So I will have to manually and gradually apply your changes, to check that nothing gets broken. Please, give me some time for that...

Got it. I didn't think that upgrading the version could be so risky and painful. I thought it is a matter of building the projects.

@scale-tone any ETA for a new stable version?