microsoft / DirectXMesh

DirectXMesh geometry processing library

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Split Mesh

walbourn opened this issue · comments

A function to break a mesh into multiple index buffers/vertex buffers based on a specified size.

void D3DXSplitMesh(
  _In_   LPD3DXMESH pMeshIn,
  _In_   const DWORD *pAdjacencyIn,
  _In_   const DWORD MaxSize,
  _In_   const DWORD Options,
  _Out_  DWORD *pMeshesOut,
  _Out_  LPD3DXBUFFER *ppMeshArrayOut,
  _Out_  LPD3DXBUFFER *ppAdjacencyArrayOut,
  _Out_  LPD3DXBUFFER *ppFaceRemapArrayOut,
  _Out_  LPD3DXBUFFER *ppVertRemapArrayOut

This primary use of this function is to take a mesh that requires 32-bit indices into a set of meshes that only requires 16-bit indices, which is most useful when preparing meshes for Feature Level 9.1 devices.

The need to support Direct3D Feature Level 9.1 is very low. Even UWP apps and Windows phone 8 can assume Feature Level 9.3 or better.

The split algorithm is basically a loop over faces. If the number of vertices required by adding a new face exceeds a threshold, a new mesh is created.

The function would need to return n IBs, n lists of attributes, and n VB remaps from the original.

It provides updated adjacency information for the new "meshes" by breaking links between split faces.