microsoft / CsWin32

A source generator to add a user-defined set of Win32 P/Invoke methods and supporting types to a C# project.

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The resulting SetProcessWorkingSetSize cannot be entered as -1

wangfeijian opened this issue · comments

Actual behavior

[DllImport("KERNEL32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern winmdroot.Foundation.BOOL SetProcessWorkingSetSize(winmdroot.Foundation.HANDLE hProcess, nuint dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, nuint dwMaximumWorkingSetSize);

Parameter dwMinimumWorkingSetSize and dwMaximumWorkingSetSize maybe -1, but nuint can't enter -1.

Expected behavior

[DllImport("KERNEL32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern winmdroot.Foundation.BOOL SetProcessWorkingSetSize(winmdroot.Foundation.HANDLE hProcess, nint dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, nint dwMaximumWorkingSetSize);

Repro steps


  • CsWin32 version: [e.g. 0.4.422-beta]
  • Win32Metadata version (if explicitly set by project):
  • Target Framework: [e.g. netstandard2.0]
  • LangVersion (if explicitly set by project): [e.g. 9]

You'll need to use unchecked((nuint)(-1)) for this one. Both metadata and CsWin32 are doing the right thing here, the API is just quirky.

The documentation hints at this, too:

If both dwMinimumWorkingSetSize and dwMaximumWorkingSetSize have the value (SIZE_T)–1, the function removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process.

SIZE_T is a unsigned __int64 or ULONG_PTR on x64 targets.

You'll need to use unchecked((nuint)(-1)) for this one. Both metadata and CsWin32 are doing the right thing here, the API is just quirky.

The documentation hints at this, too:

If both dwMinimumWorkingSetSize and dwMaximumWorkingSetSize have the value (SIZE_T)–1, the function removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process.

SIZE_T is a unsigned __int64 or ULONG_PTR on x64 targets.

thank you! it works.