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BC Telemetry App : Date filter broken? (Version 196)

StijnBt opened this issue · comments


Its seems the global date filter function is broken?
I only see one date available. AppInsights has months of data & PowerBI app was configured for a 30days lookback period.
It also seem to be missing a lot of telemetry information that I would expect in 19.10. (recently upgraded from 16.2)
What could be the cause?


No, I even completely re-installed the ap multiple times with the same result.
I had a second app on the old version that was working fine, after I upgraded this I hade the same behavior as wel.
So it might not be data

Worth mentioning, it's the global date filter that applies on all pages.
The date/time filter per page does seem to have a lot of values but is cumbersome to use


So the Date telemtetry actually stores all dates, as seen in bar graph.
But the filters don't show those dates, as seen in yellow filter block.
That's the one I have available on all pages, but it only holds a single date.


It shows Versie 196

Can't see your image, but I'm assuming you were referring to the page below:

I'll need to ask my powerbi admin... get back to you.

Yep, the beta works fine.

Environment mostly

When is the next release that includes this fix