microsoft / ApplicationInsights-node.js

Microsoft Application Insights SDK for Node.js

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TrackEvent no longer reporting Measurements

JCBauza opened this issue · comments



If I do the following:

// Set up some properties and metrics:
var properties = {"name": "SomeRandomName"};
var metrics = {"MetricA": 10, "MetricB": 5};

// Send the event:
instanceClient.trackEvent({name: "TestEvent", properties: properties, measurements: metrics});

I can see the event with the correct name and properties... but the measurements/metrics I pass get completely dropped. My dashboards are coming back empty. Any ideas what changed?

@JCBauza Thank you for reporting this issue. It'll be resolved by #1319. For now, using version 2.X SDK or recording related metrics separately should be valid solutions.


Thank you. Are those metrics going to be related to the event that sends them as before? I’m asking because the properties of the event in my case are used to filter those metrics, or more specifically, I use them as tags and on the graphs the values are grouped by those tags.

@JCBauza Yes, that's correct. They should operate in the same way they have in the past and will be available upon the next release of the Azure Monitor Exporter in the PR mentioned above.

@JCBauza Let me know if this has resolved your issue, thanks!

Closing as fix has been merged. Feel free to reopen if you have follow up questions.