microscaling / imagelayers-graph

A visualization tool to inspect and optimize Docker images used in your projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ImageLayers cannot find tags for public image

pavel-paulau opened this issue · comments


I added this public repository yesterday:


However, ImageLayers cannot find image tags.


  1. Navigate to https://imagelayers.io/
  2. Click on "Search for images on the Docker Hub".
  3. Enter "pavel/howdy".


Request URL:https://imagelayers.io/registry/images/pavel/howdy/tags
Request Method:GET
Status Code:500 Internal Server Error
Remote Address:

GET https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/repositories/pavel/howdy/tags returned 404

It seems like you are trying to use deprecated API.

$ curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/pavel/howdy/tags/ | python -mjson.tool
    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "creator": 3184,
            "full_size": 5271296,
            "id": 3332734,
            "image_id": null,
            "last_updated": "2016-06-10T01:17:04.137063Z",
            "last_updater": 3184,
            "name": "latest",
            "platforms": [
            "repository": 731528,
            "v2": true

I'm experiencing the same issue, but only for some images. It seems to only affect images that have been built more recently.

same here. Looks like the tags endpoint return a 404
is it the dockerHub that is slow to propagate changes? My images are 1-2 days old.

actually it looks like ImageLayer is still looking at a v1 registry, not v2

Still an issue today :(

None of the images I've added in the last few months work on the service.

I'm also experiencing this issue
The following images could not be found: wesmoutreach/ssh:latest

Still an issue! I was excited to use Imagelayers, but it is still not able to communicate with Docker Hub v2

Still and issue for me too. packetworks/nxfilter-base and packetworks/nxfadmin

Has this really been broken for that long? I guess this repo is abandoned; that's a real shame.

Same issue for a public image created today.

Yes, the imagelayers web service seems to be pretty much abandoned for some time.

Currently, MicroBadger is a viable alternative, for example:

Also weird that docker.com isn't integrating such basic functionality into their web frontend.

Thanks, I'm going to start using MicroBadger.