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[question] Are micro libraries allowed to include a css file?

pryley opened this issue · comments

I have a library that is < 5KB minified, it comes with a css file. Is this allowed?

Link: https://github.com/geminilabs/star-rating.js

I don't see any submissions with a css file so far, but I don't see why one couldn't be included. I do wonder if you can build a non-minified version of the css to use for the microjs listing, though, since in the repo I see only an scss file and a minified css file. (We don't accept TypeScript or minified JS, either.)

Also, the size limit applies to the total size of the needed files; I see that your minified source and css are close to 8kb together. You should check if the combined size when the files are gzipped is under 5kb to determine if the library can be listed on microjs. If that's the case, please feel free to create a PR for adding star-rating.

PR for star-rating made here: #974