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Is microjs project alive?

finom opened this issue · comments

It seems that pull request handled rarely.


@finom , who knows? it took at least two or three weeks to have my project added :P

Are there any alternatives if it isn't alive anymore?

the website is still active, i believe.
i've not found anything similar to it.

Hey owner of this repo,

if you are free to share the work, I can help you to manage the repo..

Best regards

@fhopeman @skibz @sbrl

Hey, @madrobby ping-pong? can you give access to some more devs?

We can even join https://github.com/microjs org if @ForbesLindesay allow ofc :) and invite us when we come with some strategy.

Transfer this repo there?

This is really awesome project, so awesome as 140byt.es is!

I have some thoughts. If we are some active core team of one organization like microjs, we can add more and more libs to the db without waiting approval of dozens of PRs from one single person which isn't god. We also can automate the process of minify-ing, normalization, typos, links and etc stuff. And if some new library popped up it would be enough someone to open an issue with request label and someone from the team add it when he can (of course if the library have the requirements). Of course we can continue receive PRs, but it would be easier if we're more than one.

would be cool to have a microjs organisation 👍

Yeah, I would join microjs!
I have also written this: https://github.com/sbrl/soundbox
But I am holding off sending a pull request until we know what's going to happen here.

@sbrl yea, and @bevacqua have great little libs.
I also have https://github.com/tunnckoCore/dual-emitter which awesome, because you can emit and catch custom or dom events, so you can emit/catch some dom event like click.

It seems the author don't have activity since february.

dual-emitter looks like an awesome library to add.

Has anyone tried emailing @madrobby yet?

dual-emitter looks like an awesome library to add.

thanks, api changes possible, little refactor, and... duh.. tests.

haven't tried emailing madrobby.
i really hope we can set up a microjs org :)

<-- attendee ;)

I've been a huge fan of the site. I would love to join the org and help out wherever I can.

I am so sorry!
Currently (and for the last few months) i have to work between 12 and 16 hours a day, 6 days a week. That's why i don't have any more time for fun projects. I hope that this changes in near future, but that's only a hope.

@SimonWaldherr Why don't you open up the project and let those who are interested help?

In 2013 I was asked to help with the project, so I have already contributed for some time, but such a decision should be done by Rod or Thomas.

@SimonWaldherr How can we get hold of Rod or Thomas?

This is a shame; I’ve been using this site a lot the past several months. This is becoming more and more relevant.

The only other thing I can think of to do is to take a fork of this, but that sounds like a bad idea to me.

i think that forking could create a rift in the community that this site has helped foster (which is why i still really like the idea of a microjs organisation)

@skibz Yeah, that's why I think it's a bad idea...

if someone has the time and the will to help, he/she may like to create a fork and check all open PRs (license, size, dependency, ...) and merge, that would help me to pull faster and more frequently. 📦

@SimonWaldherr Sure, I could do that. I would need a set of guidelines to refer to first though. Does this project have such a thing?

just do it ;) There are some guidelines how libraries can be added to the project. Out of them you can check which PR is allowed to be merged. If I find time, I will do that

@tunnckoCore I'm open to transferring microjs to an org and have multiple maintainers for it. Can you set this up and let me know what I need to do? I've limited time atm, but this should be pretty easy. :)

@madrobby oooh, cool to hear word from you here! It's not my org. We should consider that with @ForbesLindesay. Forbes, would you invite us to make this step and think for next?

I also am very busy until the end of month, because the semester session in university. Lol.. before few weeks I had ~700 week commits, now ~20. But yea, when I finish the year, I'll return back to big orgs and ideas like @jstransformers, @regexps, @npm1k, @tosck, @vinyljs and my other todos

new message to charlike

@fhopeman Thanks! I have not had much time recently to reply, but that is about to change on Monday :D
I will start bundling additions into a single pull request.

okay, nice and thanks ;)

One commit bundle complete: I have submitted pull request #735 along with a summary of everything that I have done.

In short I commented out all the ones that make told me it couldn't find, and I added

  • form-to-obj
  • fetchival
  • ba.js
  • telegraph.js
  • StringFormatter

This merges pull requests #722, #730, #728, #727, #724 and #715

I don't know how to create multiple forks / pull requests though, so I will do another one once this first one has been sorted out.

@sbrl thx 👍 merged

No problem!

I have noticed that pull request #727 is still open - I think that it should be closed?

I've resolved a bunch of PRs in #737 and built a commit bundle. It's auto mergable ;)

Just wanting to say thank you to everyone here for getting things going again, this truly is a valuable resource and splintering it would be less than ideal! =] +1 🌈

Does anybody know when an added library is deployed to the website (microjs.com)?

@fhopeman It looks like there is a gh-pages branch I assume that someone needs to update that branch and then the website will be updated too.

Would another commit bundle be welcome?

I have some more time to put another one together (they take some time to prepare).

I've also noticed @ForbesLindesay hasn't replied when @tunnckoCore asked him about creating a microjs.com organisation. What should we do now?

I think it would definitely be welcome in the sense of reducing the effort of accepting multiple PRs that may not be properly prepared down to accepting one well prepared bundle. But as you pointed out, there's crickets from the places that matter..

@sbrl bundles of checked (size, license, dependency) and cleaned up (correct source url, merge conflicts) commits are very welcome. 👍

@SimonWaldherr Ok! I'll put another one together. I've noticed a lot of pull requests have merge conflicts. I think this is because people accidentally commit data-min.js (e.g. #781).

@SimonWaldherr Done. I've opened PR #800, but I can't run the make script (see the PR for more info).

@madrobby i think it's time to transfer microjs to an org -> @microjscom
I created this new org since @ForbesLindesay seems to won't answer.
I invited you, @rvagg and @sbrl. It would be great to give #microjs a new home and a great future.
Maybe we should invite the current top ten contributors to the org as well.

@SimonWaldherr Thanks for the invite! I've accepted it.

@SimonWaldherr @madrobby is the switch to @microjscom still happening? I see that @sbrl is no longer part of it. Would love to see this project be more mantained!

@audiolion Umm I'm listed under the "people" heading, but it's not on my profile. I don't know what's going on there.

Oh and @SimonWaldherr I've got some time to create another commit bundle (sorry, my University finals got in way), are you still accepting them?

On another note, commit bundles feel quite clunky. Is there an easier way of doing it?

@sbrl not sure, only shows one person under the people heading for @microjscom and that is @SimonWaldherr 😮

@audiolion Here's what I see: http://i.imgur.com/sDPeesg.png

What's going on?

must be the team is private or something http://imgur.com/N0vqtIR

@sbrl same here, good luck with university!

As about not showing you on orgs, that's private by default, go to org settings (users list) and there you can make it to show the org on your profile and on the org profile.

@tunnckoCore Thanks! I've just finished my second year, and I've learnt a ton! I've got a bit more free time now :D

That did the trick, by the way. My membership is now public! Is there a way I can invite you to the organisation? I can't seem to find that option either. I'm rather new to GH orgs.

Haha, great! Same here, second year almost finished - just one more month exams, last month was practice weeks around the country.

About the invites, it's in the org page below the list of users of the org.
Or if you can't find it this should work https://github.com/orgs/microjscom/invitations/new

@tunnckoCore Can't find that, and that link doesn't work either. Guess I don't have permission to add users :(

I've invited most of the people in this thread to @microjs now. Feel free to remove me once you've accepted the invitation. I hadn't seen this thread.

Wow, thanks, @ForbesLindesay!

Should I invite @tunnckoCore too?

@ForbesLindesay oo heya, it was long ago yea. Thanks!
@sbrl try, I can't see the invite currently.

edit: didn't receive invite or mail

@tunnckoCore it shows you as having pending invite, visit orgs and check?

edit: lied, misread the logs, sent an invite

@audiolion yep, i'm in. thanks :)

Could someone with some base knowledge of the eventual migration fill in the details, is this repo being moved to an org?

Does someone know who owns/sponsors the micro.js domain?

The way I see it, @madrobby would need to become an admin of either of the orgs and then do the ownership transfer in the repo settings for the repository itself to move. Because of the way github handles redirects, that would probably already work with the domain pointing to the "wrong" place, but that should probably be fixed eventually.

The first step can't really be more than 15 minutes of work or so assuming the correct people are active...

It is started to move to @microjs org, but it seems we don't have enough time, so.. don't know. In anyway @madrobby is not so active too so we can do too much, imho.

Domain is by @madrobby I believe.

Is @madrobby already a part of @microjs?

@orbitbot i believe it has invitation by @sbrl , I'll check asap and send if not.

@madrobby you're ready.

You've successfully updated Thomas Fuchs's invitation.

Microjs.com has been moved over to the microjs organisation now!

I wonder how I missed that....! Anyway, I'm commenting here to let everyone else know.

The answer is yes, it is now alive

@audiolion Awesome! So how will things work going forwards? I'm a bit confused.

Continue with the project mission, remove cruft from data.js, continue to update travis/CI integration to automate work away from us, make feature updates to microjs.com site, it is served now from gh-pages and madrobby hosts the domain for us.

@audiolion Awesome! I'd love keep helping out. Perhaps we should look at probot-stale too. They use it over at https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr and it works quite well.

looks cool, ill make an issue for it

Sweet! Probot-Stale seems cool. Damn, i love these integrations thing by Github!

If domain is okey, so another is our job, definitely! I will try to help here these 1-2 weeks, really... ;d no matter that i'm totally disorganized last few months and can't concentrate on significant work, sadly ;/

I dream soon to have „MicroJS (2) – Reborn“ :D