microg / android_frameworks_mapsv1

MapsV1: A system library, providing the functionality of Google Maps API v1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing release files described in readme

tomikmar opened this issue · comments

In readme file I found that "Release builds may be found on the release page", but release page is empty. It would be great if the build files were available as well.

There is another project with installable files (from the same author, looks abandoned though): https://github.com/mar-v-in/MapsAPI

Mm, this is somewhat odd. It would be great if this could get cleared up.

To clear up things a bit: This repo contains a full rewrite and is not the same as mar-v-in/MapsAPI, although both provide more or less the same functionality.

However, due to major problems (class and package name clashes) there is no release yet.