microg / NetworkLocation

Deprecated! Use UnifiedNlp --- Geolocation using wlan and gsm cells. Data provided by Apple and opencellid.org

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NetworkLocation doesn't seem to work on OMNI 4.4

aelmahmoudy opened this issue · comments


I just switched to OMNI 4.4, so I installed NetworkLocation-gms.apk (v1.3.2) in /system/priv-app/NetworkLocation.apk, also, I flashed nogapps-maps.zip

Yet the apps still cannot get location info ! I tried setting Location Mode to:
High (GPS+Wifi+Cell)
Battery saving (Wifi+Cell only)

and neither worked.
I have enabled logging (setprop log.tag.nlp DEBUG), and got the following logcat: https://gist.github.com/aelmahmoudy/8878458

Just pointing out the obvious, but the log says it finds 1 cell and 1wifi; perhaps that's not sufficient for positioning? I use nlp on 4.2 and at first it didn't seem to work at all; maybe it will later. The latest commit says opencellid is broken, so maybe Apples doesn't have good info for your area.

@aelmahmoudy do you have a cells.db or lacells.db containing your current cell? If not: a single wifi is not sufficient to geolocate you (they fluctuate to much)

@dalb8 Apple is only used for wifi, not for cells

ok. I am in another area now. Also I powered off/on the phone, and location got detected !

Sorry for the noise, please close the issue.

No problem

As a side note, I hope you would provide info on the Wiki page about how to submit data to your sources.

For example, there is an opensource app called Keypad-Mapper 3 (which is available on F-Droid btw), which collects data for OpenCellID.

That would be a good idea as long as I don't implement a data collection client directly into NetworkLocation

Just to complete the list of data collection clients that I know of:

  • MozStumbler for Mozilla Location Service
  • OpenWLANMap/OpenWLANMini for openwlanmap.org
  • WiGLE Wifi Wardriving for wigle.net
  • Radiobeacon for openbmap.org
  • Keypad-Mapper 3 for opencellid.org