microg / GmsCore

Free implementation of Play Services

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool Niv bible keeps looping

Wizit38 opened this issue · comments

Affected app
Name: NIV Bible Offline version
Package id: com.holybible.newinternational.nivaudio

Describe the bug
Unable to use read Bible or daily verse

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to niv bible
  2. Click on read bible from dashboard
    3.. nothing appears so you are unable to select book, chapter, verse. This blank screen remains even when you press refresh button

Expected behavior
After, select read bible, you should be able to select book and chapter of Bible to read


Android Version: [e.g. 10]
Custom ROM: HarmonyOSv3.0.0.156

microG Core version:
microG Self-Check results:
All ticked except
Installed package / Play Store
Permissions granted / permission to find accounts

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

  1. How do you know this is microG fault?
  2. Please capture logs, so as to know IF this is even microg fault

Attached please find the logcat