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[com.spotify.music] Spotify notification player not working

GioPan04 opened this issue · comments

Affected app
Name: Spotify
Package id: com.spotify.music

Describe the bug
When the app is restarted the player in the notification area doesn't update any more. It will get stuck on a song played before and all attempts to click buttons on the player will do nothing. Even if the app is opened and a song is playing, the notification will not update. The only way to get the player work again is to force close the app and reopening it.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Force close the app
  2. Open Spotify and play a song
  3. Pause the song and close the app
  4. The notification is now stuck

Expected behavior
The player should update and the buttons should work.


Android Version: 13
Custom ROM: Lineage OS microG 20

microG Core version:
microG Self-Check results: All ticked

Additional context
This has been reported also on the Spotify support page but they said that is a microG problem.

Just saw that a user reported that it's not using microG but is having the same error, but the other users in the page were all using microG and even the Spotify devs said is related to microG. Maybe that user is having another issue (?)

I did some testing since I have experienced this issue on LineageOS 20, and I found:

  • Using home button (gesture) or back button (gesture) to exit Spotify does not produce the issue
  • Using recents button (gesture) and removing Spotify from recents reproduces the issue
  • From the settings app, using the force close option does not produce the issue and actually fixes it

This matches your experience. The same bug also occurs if Spotify is paused in the background too long (which happens more in everyday usage), but I have not pinpointed the exact conditions to reproduce that. Limiting background processes or destroying activities as soon as the user leaves them did not produce the bug (without removing Spotify from recents).

Regardless, I used adb logcat | grep gms and did not find any microG interaction while reproducing the bug. The media controls are part of Android Open Source Project. I do not think this is a bug in microG but either in Android Open Source, LineageOS and others, or Spotify.

I also have the same issue, probably unrelated: when using spotify + bluetooth streaming I get random phone reboots. does not happen when using USB-C headphones.