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com.beeper.ima - "Google sign in error.null"

4oo4 opened this issue · comments


Affected app
Name: Beeper Mini
Package id: com.beeper.ima

Describe the bug
The app prompts to sign in with Google, but it's unable to perform the login flow ("Google sign in error.null")

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install app
  2. Click on 'Continue with Google'
  3. Receive error "Google sign in error.null"

Expected behavior
The app should be able to complete the login flow. In account settings, I also made the sure the "Allow apps to find accounts" was enabled.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Android Version: 13
Custom ROM: LineageOS 20.0

microG Core version: v0.3.0.233515
microG Self-Check results: All ticked


12-05 11:07:07.619 W/PackageParsing( 1491): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS in package: com.beeper.ima at: Binary XML file line #23
12-05 11:07:07.828 W/PackageParsing( 1491): Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS in package: com.beeper.ima at: Binary XML file line #23
12-05 11:07:08.927 V/BackupManagerService( 1491): [UserID:0] restoreAtInstall pkg=com.beeper.ima token=1 restoreSet=181229cc138
12-05 11:07:12.511 W/BackupTransportManager( 1491): Package com.beeper.ima enabled setting: 0
12-05 11:07:16.837 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.beeper.ima cmp=com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity} from uid 10251
12-05 11:07:16.865 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{cd30b9 u0 Splash Screen com.beeper.ima}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@e665c5f, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:07:16.875 I/ActivityManager( 1491): Start proc 6064:com.beeper.ima/u0a242 for next-top-activity {com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity}
12-05 11:07:17.076 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{68a4841 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@d2cd327, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:07:17.106 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.onboarding.OnboardingActivity} from uid 10242
12-05 11:07:17.265 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{75ad417 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.onboarding.OnboardingActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@40e9ed, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:07:17.459 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{68a4841 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity}: Setting back callback null
12-05 11:07:17.581 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{cd30b9 u0 Splash Screen com.beeper.ima EXITING}: Setting back callback null
12-05 11:07:27.751 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@5f0238a
12-05 11:07:32.919 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@c251880
12-05 11:07:41.947 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@b94c82e
12-05 11:08:30.514 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@e346025
12-05 11:09:26.366 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity bnds=[260,1003][399,1142]} from uid 10301
12-05 11:09:26.372 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): Launching r: ActivityRecord{54159ed u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity} from background: ActivityRecord{c16a96f u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher} t7007}. New task: false
12-05 11:09:31.450 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@3a0691a
12-05 11:09:35.544 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@45206e0
12-05 11:09:39.634 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@1c89dd
12-05 11:09:43.717 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@9d396d2
12-05 11:10:08.087 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity bnds=[267,1023][406,1162]} from uid 10301
12-05 11:10:08.093 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): Launching r: ActivityRecord{2ff43c3 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity} from background: ActivityRecord{c16a96f u0 com.teslacoilsw.launcher/.NovaLauncher} t7007}. New task: false
12-05 11:10:13.138 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@3ce5343
12-05 11:10:17.235 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@210681f
12-05 11:11:29.157 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@caf0350
12-05 11:11:34.496 W/ProcessStats( 1491): Tracking association SourceState{99c2da4 com.beeper.ima/10242 Top #187407} whose proc state 1 is better than process ProcessState{f2ad5c6 com.google.android.gms/10227 pkg=com.google.android.gms} proc state 3 (0 skipped)
12-05 11:11:35.846 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@a8c5ba3
12-05 11:11:47.313 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@be8d30f
12-05 11:12:31.125 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.beeper.chat/im.vector.application.features.Alias bnds=[199,1003][338,1142]} from uid 10301
12-05 11:12:31.151 V/SplashScreenExceptionList( 1491): SplashScreen checking exception for package com.beeper.chat (target sdk:33) -> false
12-05 11:12:31.162 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{c341673 u0 Splash Screen com.beeper.chat}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@58079a9, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:12:31.166 I/ActivityManager( 1491): Start proc 7555:com.beeper.chat/u0a252 for next-top-activity {com.beeper.chat/im.vector.application.features.Alias}
12-05 11:12:31.492 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {cmp=com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity (has extras)} from uid 10252
12-05 11:12:31.569 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{f351df9 u0 com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@e3f2b9f, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:12:31.995 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{c341673 u0 Splash Screen com.beeper.chat EXITING}: Setting back callback null
12-05 11:12:33.573 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{f351df9 u0 com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@7fa994c, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:12:46.808 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{f351df9 u0 com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@bc90ca, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:14:11.491 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{f351df9 u0 com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@a297a41, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:14:14.672 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{f351df9 u0 com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@124e71e, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:14:25.451 I/ActivityManager( 1491): Killing 7555:com.beeper.chat/u0a252 (adj 900): remove task
12-05 11:14:25.586 I/WindowManager( 1491): WIN DEATH: Window{f351df9 u0 com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity}
12-05 11:14:25.593 W/UsageStatsService( 1491): Unexpected activity event reported! (com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.login.LoginActivity event : 23 instanceId : 46661769)
12-05 11:14:32.716 W/PackageConfigPersister( 1491): App-specific configuration not found for packageName: com.beeper.ima and userId: 0
12-05 11:14:33.021 W/PackageConfigPersister( 1491): App-specific configuration not found for packageName: com.beeper.ima and userId: 0
12-05 11:14:35.070 I/ActivityManager( 1491): Force stopping com.beeper.ima appid=10242 user=0: from pid 6973
12-05 11:14:35.071 I/ActivityManager( 1491): Killing 6064:com.beeper.ima/u0a242 (adj 900): stop com.beeper.ima due to from pid 6973
12-05 11:14:35.072 W/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): Force removing ActivityRecord{d7f001f u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.onboarding.OnboardingActivity} t7114 f}}: app died, no saved state
12-05 11:14:35.073 W/UsageStatsService( 1491): Unexpected activity event reported! (com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.onboarding.OnboardingActivity event : 23 instanceId : 219555774)
12-05 11:14:35.111 W/PackageConfigPersister( 1491): App-specific configuration not found for packageName: com.beeper.ima and userId: 0
12-05 11:14:35.160 W/PackageConfigPersister( 1491): App-specific configuration not found for packageName: com.beeper.ima and userId: 0
12-05 11:14:35.182 V/ActivityManager( 1491): Got obituary of 6064:com.beeper.ima
12-05 11:14:40.364 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity bnds=[267,1023][406,1162]} from uid 10301
12-05 11:14:40.389 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{889157a u0 Splash Screen com.beeper.ima}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6354988, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:14:40.393 I/ActivityManager( 1491): Start proc 8005:com.beeper.ima/u0a242 for next-top-activity {com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity}
12-05 11:14:40.621 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{29f5285 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@102f10b, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:14:40.648 I/ActivityTaskManager( 1491): START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.onboarding.OnboardingActivity} from uid 10242
12-05 11:14:40.788 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{abe5f18 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.onboarding.OnboardingActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@e558756, mPriority=0}
12-05 11:14:40.952 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{29f5285 u0 com.beeper.ima/com.beeper.chat.booper.MainActivity}: Setting back callback null
12-05 11:14:41.202 D/CoreBackPreview( 1491): Window{889157a u0 Splash Screen com.beeper.ima EXITING}: Setting back callback null
12-05 11:14:44.447 E/NotificationService( 1491): Package has already queued 5 toasts. Not showing more. Package=com.beeper.ima
12-05 11:14:45.989 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@698c94c
12-05 11:14:50.087 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@b43a014
12-05 11:14:54.199 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@d993644
12-05 11:14:58.287 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@b2119d
12-05 11:15:02.395 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@e2ce9d3
12-05 11:16:19.793 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@264ee7
12-05 11:16:50.360 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@214e7ff
12-05 11:19:22.722 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@a8b18ca
12-05 11:20:32.530 W/PackageConfigPersister( 1491): App-specific configuration not found for packageName: com.beeper.ima and userId: 0
12-05 11:20:41.465 W/PackageConfigPersister( 1491): App-specific configuration not found for packageName: com.beeper.ima and userId: 0
12-05 11:22:57.530 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@fef6217
12-05 11:23:07.534 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@4b746c4
12-05 11:28:02.020 I/ResolverListAdapter( 9218): Add DisplayResolveInfo component: ComponentInfo{com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.share.IncomingShareActivity}, intent component: ComponentInfo{com.beeper.chat/im.vector.app.features.share.IncomingShareActivity}
12-05 11:28:39.625 D/GmsDummySvc( 3421): bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=IDENTITY_SIGN_IN, gmsVersion=12451000, packageName='com.beeper.ima', extras=Bundle[{}]}
12-05 11:28:43.745 W/NotificationService( 1491): Toast already killed. pkg=com.beeper.ima token=android.os.BinderProxy@6a8cea6
12-05 11:28:44.662 D/GmsDummySvc( 3421): bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=TELEMETRY, gmsVersion=12451000, packageName='com.beeper.ima', extras=Bundle[{}]}


As a workaround, you can get it working if you set this up on a phone that has full Gapps installed and copy its /data/data/com.beeper.ima, you just have to take note of the app user that you'll need to chown it to.

So if your app user is u0_a321:

find /data/data/com.beeper.ima -maxdepth 1 \! -iname '*cache*' -exec chown -R u0_a321:u0_a321 {} \;
find /data/data/com.beeper.ima -maxdepth 1 -iname '*cache*' -exec chown -R u0_a321:u0_a321_cache {} \;

# If this file doesn't already exist in your backup

touch /data/data/com.beeper.ima/no_backup/androidx.work.workdb.lck
chown u0_a321:u0_a321/data/data/com.beeper.ima/no_backup/androidx.work.workdb.lck
chmod 600 /data/data/com.beeper.ima/no_backup/androidx.work.workdb.lck

find /data/data/com.beeper.ima -exec restorecon -rv {} \; 

You might also need to keep the Gapps phone around to keep the subscription happy and possibly recopy the data folder back and forth later. Push notifications don't seem to work, but I'm wondering if you don't give it notification permissions when initially installing it if it will let it register properly with microg.

I would also like to use this app, so thanks for reporting! Do you have any idea of how the subscription will work, since that's most likely going to be an in app purchase?


Good question, I have had bad luck with PulseSMS where I was able use a subscription initially after copying the data back and forth like this, but after that I'm completely unable to get signed into the app again, or the Pulse web app despite having a valid subscription. I just attempted to do the same data copy trick with that app again and it didn't work.

However I'm hoping that won't be the case with Beeper Mini this since there's no account you have to sign into. I will know for sure once the subscription starts charging me next week, but one thing I could foresee is having to copy your data from the microg device to the Gapps one (so you maintain your chat history, unless it syncs it from Apple's servers), letting your subscription check in, then copying it back over to the microg device, assuming it's not too often to be unusable and that it keeps working over time.

As far as I know microg doesn't do anything for paid apps or subscriptions, you can download paid apps without a problem that you've already paid for outside Aurora Store, and I don't think subscriptions have a way to check in and it probably depends on how the app enforces subscription status.

Worst case, hopefully someone can make a FOSS-ish iMessage app based on what was discovered for pypush that doesn't depend on app purchases.

The problem here is that Beeper Mini uses the intent com.google.android.gms.auth.api.identity.service.authorization.START. microG's sign in functionality looks for com.google.android.gms.auth.login.LOGIN. It looks like microG has files for com.google.android.gms.auth.api but not .identity from there. Right now the intent gets handled by org.microg.gms.DummyService. I am not sure if org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity can be used as a drop-in replacement.

I'd also like to use this app too! They made it free to use, but still have the Google Login so :/