micnncim / kubectl-reap

kubectl plugin that deletes unused Kubernetes resources

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error from server (Expired)

bjethwan opened this issue · comments

This works for small cluster but failed for a large cluster, in this case, there were more than 5.5k HPA

$ kubectl reap hpa --all-namespaces --dry-run=client -ojson | jq -s . | jq -r '["NAMESPACE","HPA_NAME","CREATION_TIMESTAMP","LAST_USED_TIMESTAMP"],(.[] | [.metadata.namespace, .metadata.name, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .status.lastScaleTime]) | @tsv' | column -ts $'\t' 

Error from server (Expired): The provided continue parameter is too old to display a consistent list result. You can start a new list without the continue parameter, or use the continue token in this response to retrieve the remainder of the results. Continuing with the provided token results in an inconsistent list - objects that were created, modified, or deleted between the time the first chunk was returned and now may show up in the list.

Point me to the right place in the codebase and I will give a hand in fixing/testing it.

Hi @bjethwan, could you try the --timeout flag with a long duration like 1h?