mickeysjm / GetDataCourseProject

Course Project for Getting and Cleaning Data Course on Coursera

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo DO NOT contain the raw dataset. As long as the Samsung data is in your working directory, you can use run_analysis.R to reproduce the tidydata.

This repo includes the following files:

  • "README.md": explains how all of the scripts work and how they are connected.
  • "CodeBook.md": describes the variables, the data, and any transformations or work that you performed to clean up the data
  • "tidyData.txt": the output tidy dataset
  • "run_analysis.R": the script used to generate output tidy dataset
  • "features_info.txt": detail explanation of each feature variables


[1] Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Xavier Parra and Jorge L. Reyes-Ortiz. Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine. International Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2012). Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Dec 2012

[2] Jorge L. Reyes-Ortiz, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Davide Anguita. November 2012.


Course Project for Getting and Cleaning Data Course on Coursera


Language:R 100.0%