mickael-kerjean / filestash

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[bug] Folders upload successfully but UI shows error

yunzhu-li opened this issue · comments

Description of the bug

Folders upload (drag&drop) successful but UI shows error.

Step by step instructions to reproduce the bug

  1. Open https://demo.filestash.app/
  2. Connect to a storage backend with write access (able to replicate using WebDAV, SFTP, Samba, and the S3 provided in the issue template).
  3. Drag & drop to upload a directory.

Can you replicate that error from the demo?


Observed behavior

  • Folder uploaded successfully.
  • Status on the bottom-right corner shows error Path must be a string. Received undefined

Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 00 57 53

Upload error
Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 00 58 06

Directory content uploaded successfully.
Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 00 58 14

Expected behavior

  • Folder uploaded successfully.
  • Status on the bottom-right corner shows no error.

I can't replicate this. Can you send some account details from which I can replicate it from the demo? If you don't want to expose anything sensitive here, feel free to drop me either an email: mickael@kerjean.me or through keybase

Thanks for responding. Interesting, I tested more and was able to replicate on two different machines, networks and browsers, but both are running macOS Sonoma (14.0). The backend I used was the one provided in the issue template -

2. if you want a testing backgend, you can use this: https://demo.filestash.app/login?type=s3&access_key_id=Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F&secret_access_key=zuf%2BtfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG&region=us-east-2&encryption_key=&endpoint=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.minio.io%3A9000%2F

When running on the demo site, the transfer fails if there are multiple subdirectories by explorer on Windows 10.

Hi there,

same here.


It seems that it's only a UI bug: folders are ok; files aren't. By the way, everything has been uploaded correctly.


I also get this error ever since updating Filestash:

Path must be a string. Received undefined

Unfortunately, it's not just an UI issue. It happens when uploading directories and as a result, only half of the directory is uploaded. Which unfortunately means the upload function is now broken (user sees a strange error and then some admin has to find which files were fully copied, which files were half-copied and are incomplete and what else has not been copied at all).

I'd prefer to help but since this bug report has been open for a month plus I don't have much spare time I can spend on this project to debug this and other errors that occurred after the update (e.g., "invalid account"), I'm afraid I'll have to roll back to the old version now.
I'll keep a test instance running with this version in case there's something I could try to check or fix.

I also get this error ever since updating Filestash:

Path must be a string. Received undefined

Unfortunately, it's not just an UI issue. It happens when uploading directories and as a result, only half of the directory is uploaded. Which unfortunately means the upload function is now broken (user sees a strange error and then some admin has to find which files were fully copied, which files were half-copied and are incomplete and what else has not been copied at all).

I'd prefer to help but since this bug report has been open for a month plus I don't have much spare time I can spend on this project to debug this and other errors that occurred after the update (e.g., "invalid account"), I'm afraid I'll have to roll back to the old version now.

I'll keep a test instance running with this version in case there's something I could try to check or fix.

Hi, I'm experiencing all of your problems. Which version are you rolling back to? Thanks.

that's a regression which got fix by d811fdd

that's a regression which got fix by d811fdd

It works now, thanks man.

Good, the main issue is the e2e tests running selenium don't have an API to drag and drop files, hence it can't really be catched as there was something changing in some node library, if someone sees any issues in uploadings folders let me know, these kind of bug is part of the reason why I will be rewriting the frontend to vanilla JS without any dependencies


Thanks for the update. I've tried to reproduce the problem and unlike last time, it seems it's now uploading all files but after downloading the whole directory again in order to compare and check if everything was uploaded correctly, I'm now looking at a downloaded directory which is missing 16 files.
Update: Found the other bug which also leads to loss of files, see issue #498.