michs / NULIRG

Data reduction of HST ULIRGs to obtain Lyman alpha images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data reduction steps for Lyman alpha imaging of in NULIRGs

This pipeline can be used to identify a line emission image from 4 low pass HST SBC filters.

Getting Started


Here is a list of softwares that needs to be installed before running the code:-

sudo apt-get install sextractor

conda install configparser
conda install astropy
conda install matplotlib
conda install scipy

conda install acstools
conda install pyfiglet
conda install termcolor

Data reduction steps

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Here are the steps to run the pipeline:-

Data downloads

  1. [Required] Download the FLT and FLC files for SBC, WFC filters for different ULIRGs in the working directory NULIRG/data folder.
  2. [Required] Download dark files for the time of observation in a sub folder data_dark.
  3. [Required] Download UV and HA PSF files and place them in UV_PSF folder and OPTICAL_PSF respectively.

  1. [Required] Download config files and place all of them in sub directory config.
  2. [Optional] Update params_default.cfg text file by changing package_dir and data_dir keywords. (This step is not required if this repository has been downloaded from here.)

At the end of above step we would have following subdirectories:-

subdir = ['data', 'data_dark', 'config', 'NULIRG']

Now we are ready to run the code:-

  • Go to package_dir/NULIRG and run
python __init__.py
  • Step 1. This will create all sub directories for all the ULIRGs
subsubdir = ['UV_RAW', 'UV_FLT', 'UV_DARK_SUB', 'UV_ALIGN', 'UV_DRZ', 'UV_PSF',
         'HA_FLC', 'HA_INTER', 'HA_DRC', 'HA_PSF']

subsubsubdir = ['FITS','TXT', 'PNG' ]

  • Step 2. Make a text file with list of FLC and FLT files.
  • Step 3. Selecting all the exposures that require dark subtraction
  • Step 4. [optional] Populate the parameters in config file. (Adding this feature later on. For now, we are taking default config for this run)
  • Step 5. [optional] Make a backup copy of FLT files. (Not using for now)
  • Step 6. dark subtraction---> uncomment this
    # import UV_dark_main
    # UV_dark_main.main(default_config)
  • Step 6. xregister aligning and rotating UV images --> uncomment this
    # import UV_xreg_rotate
    # UV_xreg_rotate.main(default_config)
  • Step 7. combining all extensions from output of aligning images --> uncomment this
    # import UV_header_rename
    # UV_header_rename.main(default_config)
  • Step 8. drizzling the aligned images using astrodrizzle --> uncomment this
    # import UV_astrodrizzle
    # UV_astrodrizzle.main(default_config)
  • Step 9. PSFmatching for UV images --> uncomment this
    # import UV_psfmatch
    # UV_psfmatch.main(default_config)
  • Step 10. HA image align and cut ---> uncomment this
    #import HA_align
    # HA_align.main(default_config)

  • Step 11. HA image find defocus and PSF matching --> uncomment this
    import HA_psf_cut
    import HA_psfmatch

Now we have all the reduced UV and HA FITS files in directories UV_PSF/FITS and HA_PSF/FITS/ to start fitting for Lyman alpha flux and obtaining segmentation map data.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Data reduction of HST ULIRGs to obtain Lyman alpha images


Language:Python 92.5%Language:Jupyter Notebook 6.5%Language:C 1.0%Language:Shell 0.1%