michelson / lazy_high_charts

Make highcharts a la ruby , works in rails 5.X / 4.X / 3.X, and other ruby web frameworks

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Problem with Turbolinks 5 (Highcharts: Error #13)

anykeyh opened this issue · comments


In my application, if I load the charts on a page then follow a link to another page, I got this message:

Uncaught Highcharts error #13: www.highcharts.com/errors/13

This doesn't prevent the system to work properly (if I come back to the chart, it will be displayed well again).

It turns out the code generated is like this:

                             <script type="text/javascript">
                      (function() {

                        document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
                                  var options = { "title": { "text": "Average task completion for Hello World" },"legend": { "align": "right","verticalAlign": "top","y": 75,"x": -50,"layout": "vertical" },"xAxis": { "categories": [ "2016-10-11","2016-10-12","2016-10-13","2016-10-14" ],"title": { "text": null } },"yAxis": { "title": "Time in seconds" },"tooltip": { "enabled": true },"credits": { "enabled": false },"plotOptions": { "areaspline": {  } },"chart": { "defaultSeriesType": "column","renderTo": "project_raw_0" },"subtitle": {  },"series": [{ "name": "enrichment","yAxis": 0,"data": [ 18513.25,15254.0,30805.0,11741.0 ] },{ "name": "qc","yAxis": 0,"data": [ 28.25,33.5,1177.0 ] }] };

                      window.chart_project_raw_0 = new Highcharts.Chart(options);


And off course there's nowhere the listener is unattached, and the callbacks stack for each visit on the page with the chart.

Is it a misconfiguration from my side?

Wouldn't be better just to put the <div> container above the script then call the script without any decoration, as the container would be in the DOM at the moment of the call?

Same problem over here. Ah apparently there is a PR fixing the problem, but the reference is not showing here. See #224 for the fix.