michalwitwicki / .dotfiles

My config files for various apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains my dotfiles and configs:

  • .bashrc
  • .inputrc
  • .tmux.info
  • .gitconfig
  • nvim

List of tools I am using

Installation steps

  1. Git clone this repo

  2. Getting the tools: Many tools listed above can be installed from package manager. If for whatever reason you don't want to use package manager, you can also install them manually. For my current Fedora setup I am installing listed below with dnf:

    sudo dnf install -y \
    tmux \
    git \
    python \
    neovim \
    trash-cli \
    git-delta \
    ripgrep \
    fd-find \
    bat \
    bear \
    neofetch \

    npm is there because some languege servers are using it

    * And those I install manually by downloading and extracting them into ~/tools/:

    • fff
    • forgit

    Manuall installation for above:

    • fff: run make install
    • forgit: will be sourced from .bashrc

    If another tools would be downloaded manually, for example nvim, make a sym link of its binary into ~/bin

    fzf requires another approach if you want to have fuzzy auto-completion and additional key bindings.

    cd ~/tools
    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ./fzf
    ./fzf/install --all
  3. * Create sym links

    • /path/to/repo/.tmux.conf -> ~/.tmux.conf
    • /path/to/repo/.inputrc -> ~/.inputrc
    • /path/to/repo/nvim -> ~/.config/nvim
    • /path/to/repo/.gdbinit -> ~/.gdbinit
  4. * Modify current configs to source (include) my configs

    • to ~/.bashrc add [ -f /path/to/repo/.bashrc ] && source /path/to/repo/.bashrc
    • to ~/.gitconfig add
          path = /path/to/repo/.gitconfig
  5. Use color_test.sh script inside tmux session to check if colors are right Also this is nice alternative: curl -L https://bit.ly/3A5B3u3 | python3 | less -R

* Those steps are already automated in install.py script, you can use it by running python install.py


There are also two folders not mentioned before:

  1. configs_for_remote: minimal configs for working on temporary remote machine
  2. unsuded_stuff: old / not finished scripts or configs


My config files for various apps


Language:Lua 56.3%Language:Shell 31.6%Language:Python 9.9%Language:GDB 1.1%Language:Vim Script 1.0%