michalklim / schibsted-recru-task

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shibsted Recru App

Simple app that serves images from giphy and pixabay through proxy node server that unifies their api response and serves it to the client app. You can see current version o the app here

Main stack





To run project in development mode you have to start both server and client app.

Note that you will need .env file in the root of the project. Please use .env.example for reference

Install all dependencies


To start server app run:

yarn dev:server

App should now be available on http://localhost:3000

To start client run:

yarn dev:client

App should now be available on http://localhost:8080

To create server bundle run

yarn build:server

To create client bundle:

yarn build:client

Those commands will create client and server directory in dist directory. Both of those are used by prepare-deploy which runs during CD after successful merge to master branch

Please note that both build commands run eslint and typescript check before actual bundling and will fail if any of those checks produces and error


It is fairly standard express server with one exception. Express app is additionally wrapped and exported with serverless hoc so it can be hosted using lambda functions


Webpack dev is proxying every request to /api and reroutes it to http://localhost:3000 to omit cors policies in dev environment

Additional configurations

  • All packages will be installed with fixed version either using npm or yarn
  • All commits are linted using conventional commits spec. See commitlint.config.js for the configuration
  • A lot of webpack configurations are shared across project. See webpack.base.js for base configuration. All others configuration are extending this one by using webpack-merge
  • Prettier will run on every commit to ensure that properly formatted code ends up in repo on every stage.
  • If you don't have proper .env file you will get an error during webpack compilation. See .env.example for reference

What could be done better (given bit more time ๐Ÿ˜‰)

  • Tests (my biggest pain here ๐Ÿค•๐Ÿ˜ญ). I would use Jest for server and client app and @testing-library for client
  • Absolute imports in server app. Right now ts-node-dev is used to watch and recompile server app on change. I run into some issues when trying to make it work together with tsconfig-paths
  • Splitting app into smaller chunks. Right now it is one big bundle. I planned to use Suspense together with React.lazy to optimize perf and user experience
  • Optimizing images loading. Only one size of the images is used now. I would use smaller versions of images on mobile breakpoints and use webp format with fallback. Also it would be nice to load static versions at the beginning and then asynchronously load gifs
  • Some tweaks to the animations, especially search introduction one (second run gets you to search section but it doesn't animate)
  • Unfortunately I left couple of eslint-disable comments. All of those are due plugin:react-hooks/recommended configuration which I find useful in a lot of cases but on the other hand I have bit trouble to achieve same logic in without much boilerplate other way around. I have to give it more thought especially reading this
  • A lot of smaller tweaks in the UI ๐Ÿ˜‰



Language:TypeScript 79.1%Language:JavaScript 19.4%Language:HTML 1.5%