michaelworm / SoDaReloaded-Theme

Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text 3 optimized for better readability.

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Light Variant

pradyunsg opened this issue Β· comments


Could you please create a light variant for this theme? I really like the idea but as I currently use 2 different colour-schemes (light/dark) as per the room lighting, the lack of a light variant hurts.


sure I'm on it ;)

@pradyunsg see the master branch for the light variant. The icons seem to be a bit too bright for the light version, do you have an idea where I can get better icons?

I'll look into it. If needed, I'll modify the existing ones for it...

But that's if and when I get some free time this evening.

Yea sure would be nice though :)

Bazinga! (Because I sounded too formal. πŸ˜›)

Nope, I won't be able to do this today.

Well, if you have GIMP installed, you should be able to make the relavant changes through the Hue-Saturation tool. http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-hue-saturation.html


@pradyunsg Do you know how I can use different icons for the two variants? Honestly I have no idea how to configure that..

One way would be to place the two theme files in separate folders and have icon folders in them.


Theme - SoDaReloaded/
        SoDaReloaded Light.sublime-theme
        SoDaReloaded Dark.sublime-theme

As long as you don't change the name of the theme file, it'll work just fine. Also, I recommend putting the "dark" and "light" folders into a "themes" folder. (From issue 32 @ sublimehq/Packages, because I don't want to link that issue here.)

Ahh I see. I didn't move the .sublime-theme Files into the folders that's why it didn't work for me.
Hm I don't see any benefit to add another folder-level. Also they say that adding subdirectories will remove noise and I think we don't have too many files so it is not disturbing and unorganized :)

Btw I made a new branch for this enhancement, see https://github.com/Miw0/sodareloaded-theme/tree/light-variant-icons

That's true.

I'll see this once I get better... (I fell ill today πŸ˜•)

I didn't get well. :/

Great to see that this is released! πŸ˜„

Just one thing, you forgot to update the screen-shot of the light variant in the readme, with the newer icons.

Well I guess you misunderstood something :) I just made a new branch and moved things to the correct place. I didn't have time to make new icons yet..

Closing this now because the Light variant is working and released. I made a new issue for the icons, see #14

Ah well. I did. πŸ˜›