michaelolof / vue-literal-compiler

A Vue Compiler that allows you compile your string literals to render functions at build time and write components in SFC paradigm

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vue config

dennis2k opened this issue · comments

Hi @michaelolof - great project you got going here - im really excitet about it cause as we all know typescript and vue is not always working well together.

Im currently working on a project using vue cli 3
do you have an example of the webpack configuration extending the vue.config.js ?

Hello there.

So a basic vue.config.js will look like this

module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
        compiler: require("vue-literal-compiler"),


In the future. When I'm less busy. I might write a vue cli 3 plugin for it.

fantastic - the config worked like a charm! I'm looking forward to trying it out