michaelmob / WebMCam

Capture frames in real-time and save them as WebM.

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Saving as .mp4?

dannyblank opened this issue · comments

Hey dude, love the program been using it for a while now.

Slack seems to have added .mp4 integration and I know that on renaming the Webm file extension to .mp4 it still lets the file play correctly.

I was wondering in your next update could you have the option to choose .mp4 from the dropdown when saving? If I try and save the file out with the extension .mp4 the encoder fails to start correctly.

Because by default, the encoder used is VPX, which is for WebM. You can see it in the FFmpeg arguments option -c:v libvpx.

In order to use MP4, you need to change it to -c:v libx264, and save your file as output.mp4 accordingly.

This and the ability to modify arguments before rendering will be added today.

Ahh yeah dude, I just tried the latest version. It's great the .gif was also a very welcome awesome addition.

Thanks a lot!