michaelklishin / rabbit-hole

RabbitMQ HTTP API client in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[rfc] support message_stats -> * -> samples

jippi opened this issue · comments


First, thank you for a very usable piece of open source software! :)

If you request the RabbitMQ management API with additional GET arguments, you can also get sample data from queue(s), which is used to graph activity charts in the UI.

Today these options are not exposed in this library, is that should that is planned?

Example query


No. Not only this is the first time it is requested, I'm not even sure this feature is still around after rabbitmq/rabbitmq-management#236.

Why would you need samples beyond debugging the plugin itself?

OK, I'm being told that the feature is still there. I guess we can add support for query options and parse back extra results. Let's discuss this in #89.