michaelklishin / cassandra-chef-cookbook

Chef cookbook for Apache Cassandra, DataStax Enterprise (DSE) and DataStax agent

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Error in logback.xml.erb

ludusregio opened this issue · comments

There is an extra end keyword in the template logback.xml.erb for version 4.5.0:

Here's the error given:

E, [2017-08-29T13:20:03.561884 #5198] ERROR -- : Erb template /Users/user/.berkshelf/cookbooks/cassandra-dse-27e6e2dd0f962e36d8cf0bea3f74cbc348e24d84/templates/default/logback.xm
l.erb has a syntax error:
E, [2017-08-29T13:20:03.561954 #5198] ERROR -- : /Users/user/.berkshelf/cookbooks/cassandra-dse-27e6e2dd0f962e36d8cf0bea3f74cbc348e24d84/templates/default/logback.xml.erb:79: syn
tax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting end-of-input
E, [2017-08-29T13:20:03.561968 #5198] ERROR -- : '; end
E, [2017-08-29T13:20:03.561977 #5198] ERROR -- : ^
E, [2017-08-29T13:20:03.564146 #5198] ERROR -- : Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError: Invalid template files in cookbook: cassandra-dse (4.5.0).
E, [2017-08-29T13:20:03.564199 #5198] ERROR -- : /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/ridley-5.1.0/lib/ridley/chef/cookbook.rb:201:in `validate'