michaelklishin / cassandra-chef-cookbook

Chef cookbook for Apache Cassandra, DataStax Enterprise (DSE) and DataStax agent

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service[datastax-agent] cannot be found in the resource collection.

eyalzek opened this issue · comments

I'm overwriting the file datastax-agent-env.sh to fit my needs and I'm using a template resource to do so since there is no way to do it using attributes and this cookbook (at least not one that I could find).
Here is a snippet of my recipe:

include_recipe 'cassandra-dse::opscenter_agent_datastax'

template '/etc/datastax-agent/datastax-agent-env.sh' do
  source 'datastax-agent-env.sh.erb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0644'
    :agent_config => node[cookbook_name]['datastax-agent']['env']
  notifies :restart, 'service[datastax-agent]', :delayed

This is not the entire recipe, but it shows what's relevant. The problem is that when trying to converge this I'm getting:

ERROR: resource template[/etc/datastax-agent/datastax-agent-env.sh] is configured to notify resource service[datastax-agent] with action restart, but service[datastax-agent] cannot be found in the resource collection.

I figured the service resource should be available to notify? As can be seen here:

Your template resource successfully notifies the service.

I'm sorry but this is a generic Chef question. I don't have the time to answer those, please take it to Stack Overflow.

I still don't understand why I need to define the service once again in my own recipe when it's obviously declared in the included recipe. This works without an issue for service[cassandra] for example. But let it be

@michaelklishin this was caused by the following line:

Would you consider adding some logging there so a user would be able to know why the included recipe is being skipped altogether? It took me long to figure this out.