michaelforney / samurai

ninja-compatible build tool written in C

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ninja: unknown tool 'compdb'

perfect7gentleman opened this issue · comments

I've been using samurai as replacement for ninja in Gentoo.
Version - 0.7

Found ninja-1.9.0 at /usr/bin/ninja
ninja: unknown tool 'compdb'
WARNING: Could not create compilation database.

Do you want to use the compile_commands.json created by ninja -t compdb, or are you just concerned about the warning?

If you don't need compile_commands.json, you can safely ignore the warning (and maybe ask meson people to stop printing it).

Personally, I have no use for it, so I won't be implementing -t compdb, but I would probably accept a pull request if someone else did.

I just concerned about the warning and its futher compability as ninja replacement. I want to fill feature request to use samurai on ninja in Gentoo build systems.