michaeldzjap / waveplayer

An HTML5 based audio player with a waveform view

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to render multiple waveforms in one page correctly?

jimmyyao88 opened this issue · comments


Hello Michael.

I'm trying to place multiple waveforms in a single page like soundcloud.

But everytime I create a waveform it will also create a new waveplayer instance on page which means it will create multiple audio tag elements in page.I have 100+ instance in a single page, and it will increase RAM usage soon.
And use playlist cannot display multiple waveform views in a single page.
I'm wondering how to use a single audio tag(a global context) to make it display multiple waveform view. (to avoid CPU and RAM over usage).



The page looks like soundcloud stream feed.
Screen Shot 2021-03-13 at 8 58 24 PM

Yes, I understand your concerns @jimmyyao88. However, I don't think it is really possible to change this easily without considerable refactoring and rethinking some core design choices. I've had it in the back of my mind for a while now to do a thorough refactoring of waveplayer.js, but this won't happen any time soon. So unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to help you out much, at least not at this point in time.


@michaeldzjap Thx for ur reply. I will check the source code and try to refactor. Thank you for bring us this great library!