micha / resty

Little command line REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Added a help section

claytondukes opened this issue · comments

Hi, not sure if you want it, but I added -h (or --help) option to your script.
The patch itself probably has more than you want because I change the indents per Google's shell style guide :)

diff --git a/resty b/resty
index 87fbed4..aba0e43 100755
--- a/resty
+++ b/resty
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 # resty - A tiny command line REST interface for bash and zsh.
 # Fork me on github:
@@ -7,114 +6,128 @@
 # Author:
 #   Micha Niskin <micha@thinkminimo.com>
 #   Copyright 2009, no rights reserved.
+#   Modified by Clayton Dukes <cdukes@remailed.ws>
+#   https://github.com/claytondukes
+#   Added -h or --help option
+#   Reformatted using Google's Style Guide
+#   http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/shell.xml?showone=Indentation#Indentation

 export _resty_host=""
 export _resty_path=""
 export _resty_nohistory=""

 function resty() {
   local confdir datadir host cookies method h2t editor domain _path opt dat res ret out err verbose raw i j d tmpf args2 wantdata vimedit quote query maybe_query
-  local -a curlopt
-  local -a curlopt2
-  if [ -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then
-    confdir="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/resty"
-    datadir="$XDG_DATA_HOME/resty"
-  else
-    confdir="$HOME/.resty"
-    datadir="$confdir"
-  fi
-  mkdir -p "$confdir"
-  host="$datadir/host"
-  cookies="$datadir/c"
-  method="$1"; [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
-  h2t=$((exec 2>&-; (which lynx >/dev/null && echo lynx -stdin -dump) \
-                || which html2text || which cat) |tail -n 1)
-  editor=$((exec 2>&-; which "$EDITOR" || which vim || echo "vi") |tail -n 1)
-  [ "${method#P}" != "$method" ] || [ "$method" = "TRACE" ] && wantdata="yes"
-  [ -d "$cookies" ] || (mkdir -p "$cookies"; echo "http://localhost*" > "$host")
-  [ -n "$1" ] && [ "${1#/}" != "$1" ] \
-    && _path="$1" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
-  [ "$1" = "${1#-}" ] && dat="$1" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
-  j=1
-  for i in "$@"; do
-    [ -n "$maybe_query" -a -z "$query" ] && query="?$i" && continue
-    ([ "$i" = "--verbose" ] || echo "$i" | grep '^-[a-zA-Z]*v[a-zA-Z]*$' >/dev/null) \
-      && verbose="yes" && continue
-    [ "$i" = "-V" ] && vimedit="yes" && continue
-    [ "$i" = "-Z" ] && raw="yes" && continue
-    [ "$i" = "-W" ] && continue
-    [ "$i" = "-Q" ] && quote="yes" && continue
-    [ "$i" = "-q" ] && maybe_query="yes" && continue
-    curlopt[j]="$i" && j=$((j + 1))
-  done
-  [ -z "$quote" ] && _path=$(echo "$_path"|sed 's/%/%25/g;s/\[/%5B/g;s/\]/%5D/g;s/|/%7C/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/&/%26/g;s/+/%2B/g;s/,/%2C/g;s/:/%3A/g;s/;/%3B/g;s/=/%3D/g;s/?/%3F/g;s/@/%40/g;s/ /%20/g;s/#/%23/g;s/{/%7B/g;s/}/%7D/g;s/\\/%5C/g;s/\^/%5E/g;s/~/%7E/g;s/`/%60/g')
-  [ "$method" = "HEAD" ] || [ "$method" = "OPTIONS" ] && raw="yes"
-  [ -z "$_resty_host" ] && _resty_host=$(cat "$host" 2>/dev/null)
-  [ "$method" = "-v" ] && echo "$_resty_host $_resty_opts" && return
-  [ -z "$method" ] && echo "$_resty_host" && return
-  [ -n "$_path" ] && _resty_path=$_path
-  domain=$(echo -n "$_resty_host" \
-    |perl -ane '/^https?:\/\/([^\/\*]+)/; print $1')
-  _path="${_resty_host//\*/$_resty_path}"
+    local -a curlopt
+    local -a curlopt2
+# cdukes: Added help
+    if echo "$@" | egrep -q -e '(-h)|(--help)'; then
+      HELP
+        shift
+        return 1
+        fi
+        if [ -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then
+          confdir="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/resty"
+            datadir="$XDG_DATA_HOME/resty"
+        else
+          confdir="$HOME/.resty"
+            datadir="$confdir"
+            fi
+            mkdir -p "$confdir"
+            host="$datadir/host"
+            cookies="$datadir/c"
+            method="$1"; [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
+            h2t=$((exec 2>&-; (which lynx >/dev/null && echo lynx -stdin -dump) \
+                  || which html2text || which cat) |tail -n 1)
+            editor=$((exec 2>&-; which "$EDITOR" || which vim || echo "vi") |tail -n 1)
+            [ "${method#P}" != "$method" ] || [ "$method" = "TRACE" ] && wantdata="yes"
+            [ -d "$cookies" ] || (mkdir -p "$cookies"; echo "http://localhost*" > "$host")
+            [ -n "$1" ] && [ "${1#/}" != "$1" ] \
+            && _path="$1" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
+            [ "$1" = "${1#-}" ] && dat="$1" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
+            j=1
+            for i in "$@"; do
+              [ -n "$maybe_query" -a -z "$query" ] && query="?$i" && continue
+                ([ "$i" = "--verbose" ] || echo "$i" | grep '^-[a-zA-Z]*v[a-zA-Z]*$' >/dev/null) \
+                && verbose="yes" && continue
+                [ "$i" = "-V" ] && vimedit="yes" && continue
+                [ "$i" = "-Z" ] && raw="yes" && continue
+                [ "$i" = "-W" ] && continue
+                [ "$i" = "-Q" ] && quote="yes" && continue
+                [ "$i" = "-q" ] && maybe_query="yes" && continue
+                curlopt[j]="$i" && j=$((j + 1))
+                done
+                [ -z "$quote" ] && _path=$(echo "$_path"|sed 's/%/%25/g;s/\[/%5B/g;s/\]/%5D/g;s/|/%7C/g;s/\$/%24/g;s/&/%26/g;s/+/%2B/g;s/,/%2C/g;s/:/%3A/g;s/;/%3B/g;s/=/%3D/g;s/?/%3F/g;s/@/%40/g;s/ /%20/g;s/#/%23/g;s/{/%7B/g;s/}/%7D/g;s/\\/%5C/g;s/\^/%5E/g;s/~/%7E/g;s/`/%60/g')
+                [ "$method" = "HEAD" ] || [ "$method" = "OPTIONS" ] && raw="yes"
+                [ -z "$_resty_host" ] && _resty_host=$(cat "$host" 2>/dev/null)
+                [ "$method" = "-v" ] && echo "$_resty_host $_resty_opts" && return
+                [ -z "$method" ] && echo "$_resty_host" && return
+                [ -n "$_path" ] && _resty_path=$_path
+                domain=$(echo -n "$_resty_host" \
+                    |perl -ane '/^https?:\/\/([^\/\*]+)/; print $1')
+                _path="${_resty_host//\*/$_resty_path}"

   case "$method" in
-      eval "curlopt2=(${_resty_opts[*]})"
-      dat=$( ( [ "$wantdata" = "yes" ] \
-        && ( ( [ -n "$dat" ] && echo "$dat") \
-        || ([ ! -t 0 ] && echo "@-") ) ) || echo)
-      if [ "$wantdata" = "yes" ] && [ "$vimedit" = "yes" ]; then
-        tmpf=$(mktemp /tmp/resty.XXXXXX)
-        [ -t 0 ] || cat > $tmpf
-        (exec < /dev/tty; "$editor" $tmpf)
-        dat=$(cat $tmpf)
-        rm -f $tmpf
-      fi
-      [ -n "$dat" ] && [ "$dat" != "@-" ] && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
-      [ "$1" = "-Z" ] && raw="yes" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
-      [ -n "$dat" ] && opt="--data-binary"
-      [ "$method" = "HEAD" ] && opt="-I" && raw="yes"
-      [ -f "$confdir/$domain" ] && eval "args2=( $(cat "$confdir/$domain" 2>/dev/null |sed 's/^ *//' |grep ^$method |cut -b $((${#method}+2))-) )"
-      res=$((((curl -sLv $opt "$dat" -X $method \
-              -b "$cookies/$domain" -c "$cookies/$domain" \
-              "${args2[@]}" "${curlopt2[@]}" "${curlopt[@]}" "$_path$query" \
-        |sed 's/^/OUT /' && echo) 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) \
-        |sed 's/^/ERR /' && echo) 2>&1)
-      out=$(echo "$res" |sed '/^OUT /s/^....//p; d')
-      err=$(echo "$res" |sed '/^ERR /s/^....//p; d')
-      ret=$(echo "$err" |sed \
-        '/^.*HTTP\/1\.[01] [0-9][0-9][0-9]/s/.*\([0-9]\)[0-9][0-9].*/\1/p; d' \
-        | tail -n1)
-      [ -n "$err" -a -n "$verbose" ] && echo "$err" 1>&2
-      echo "$err" | grep -i '^< \s*Content-Type:  *text/html' >/dev/null \
-        && [ -z "$raw" ] && d=$h2t || d=cat
-      [ -n "$out" ] && out=$(echo "$out" |eval "$d")
-      [ "$d" != "${d##lynx}" ] && out=$(echo "$out" |perl -e "\$host='$(echo "$_resty_host" |sed 's/^\(https*:\/\/[^\/*]*\).*$/\1/')';" -e '@a=<>; $s=0; foreach (reverse(@a)) { if ($_ =~ /^References$/) { $s++; } unless ($s>0) { s/^\s+[0-9]+\. //; s/^file:\/\/localhost/$host/; } push(@ret,$_); } print(join("",reverse(@ret)))')
-      if [ "$ret" != "2" ]; then
-        [ -n "$out" ] && echo "$out" 1>&2
-        return $ret
-      else
-        [ -n "$out" ] && echo "$out"
-      fi
-      ;;
-    http://*|https://*)
-      _resty_opts=$(printf '%q ' "${curlopt[@]}")
-      export _resty_opts
-      echo "$method" |grep '\*' >/dev/null || method="${method}*"
-      (echo "$method" |tee "${_resty_nohistory:-$host}") |cat 1>&2 \
-        && _resty_host="$method"
-      ;;
-    *)
-      resty "http://$method" "${curlopt[@]}"
-      ;;
-  esac
+                  eval "curlopt2=(${_resty_opts[*]})"
+                  dat=$( ( [ "$wantdata" = "yes" ] \
+                        && ( ( [ -n "$dat" ] && echo "$dat") \
+                          || ([ ! -t 0 ] && echo "@-") ) ) || echo)
+                  if [ "$wantdata" = "yes" ] && [ "$vimedit" = "yes" ]; then
+                    tmpf=$(mktemp /tmp/resty.XXXXXX)
+                      [ -t 0 ] || cat > $tmpf
+                      (exec < /dev/tty; "$editor" $tmpf)
+                      dat=$(cat $tmpf)
+                      rm -f $tmpf
+                      fi
+                      [ -n "$dat" ] && [ "$dat" != "@-" ] && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
+                      [ "$1" = "-Z" ] && raw="yes" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift
+                      [ -n "$dat" ] && opt="--data-binary"
+                      [ "$method" = "HEAD" ] && opt="-I" && raw="yes"
+                      [ -f "$confdir/$domain" ] && eval "args2=( $(cat "$confdir/$domain" 2>/dev/null |sed 's/^ *//' |grep ^$method |cut -b $((${#method}+2))-) )"
+                      res=$((((curl -sLv $opt "$dat" -X $method \
+                                -b "$cookies/$domain" -c "$cookies/$domain" \
+                                "${args2[@]}" "${curlopt2[@]}" "${curlopt[@]}" "$_path$query" \
+                                |sed 's/^/OUT /' && echo) 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3) \
+                            |sed 's/^/ERR /' && echo) 2>&1)
+                      out=$(echo "$res" |sed '/^OUT /s/^....//p; d')
+                      err=$(echo "$res" |sed '/^ERR /s/^....//p; d')
+                      ret=$(echo "$err" |sed \
+                          '/^.*HTTP\/1\.[01] [0-9][0-9][0-9]/s/.*\([0-9]\)[0-9][0-9].*/\1/p; d' \
+                          | tail -n1)
+                      [ -n "$err" -a -n "$verbose" ] && echo "$err" 1>&2
+                      echo "$err" | grep -i '^< \s*Content-Type:  *text/html' >/dev/null \
+                      && [ -z "$raw" ] && d=$h2t || d=cat
+                      [ -n "$out" ] && out=$(echo "$out" |eval "$d")
+                      [ "$d" != "${d##lynx}" ] && out=$(echo "$out" |perl -e "\$host='$(echo "$_resty_host" |sed 's/^\(https*:\/\/[^\/*]*\).*$/\1/')';" -e '@a=<>; $s=0; foreach (reverse(@a)) { if ($_ =~ /^References$/) { $s++; } unless ($s>0) { s/^\s+[0-9]+\. //; s/^file:\/\/localhost/$host/; } push(@ret,$_); } print(join("",reverse(@ret)))')
+                      if [ "$ret" != "2" ]; then
+                        [ -n "$out" ] && echo "$out" 1>&2
+                          return $ret
+                      else
+                        [ -n "$out" ] && echo "$out"
+                          fi
+                          ;;
+                _resty_opts=$(printf '%q ' "${curlopt[@]}")
+                  export _resty_opts
+                  echo "$method" |grep '\*' >/dev/null || method="${method}*"
+                  (echo "$method" |tee "${_resty_nohistory:-$host}") |cat 1>&2 \
+                  && _resty_host="$method"
+                  ;;
+                *)
+                  resty "http://$method" "${curlopt[@]}"
+                  ;;
+                esac

 function HEAD() {
@@ -151,4 +164,38 @@ function TRACE() {

 [ "$1" = "-W" ] && export _resty_nohistory="/dev/null" && [[ $# > 0 ]] && shift

+# Help function
+# Set fonts for Help.
+NORM=`tput sgr0`
+BOLD=`tput bold`
+REV=`tput smso`
+function HELP () {
+  printf "\n\t\t%s\n" "Help documentation for ${BOLD}Resty${NORM}"
+    printf "%s\n" "${REV}Basic usage:${NORM}"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "resty [-W] [remote]           # load functions into shell"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "resty [-v]                              # prints current request URI base"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "resty <remote> [OPTIONS]                # sets the base request URI"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "HEAD [path] [OPTIONS]                 # HEAD request"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "OPTIONS [path] [OPTIONS]                # OPTIONS request"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "GET [path] [OPTIONS]                    # GET request "
+    printf "\t%s\n" "DELETE [path] [OPTIONS]                 # DELETE request "
+    printf "\t%s\n" "PUT [path] [data] [OPTIONS]             # PUT request"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "PATCH [path] [data] [OPTIONS]           # PATCH request"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "POST [path] [data] [OPTIONS]            # POST request"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "TRACE [path] [OPTIONS]                  # TRACE request"
+    printf "\n%s\n" "${REV}Options:${NORM}"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}-Q${NORM}  --Don't URL encode the path."
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}-q <query>${NORM}  --Send query string with the path."
+    printf "\t%s\n" "  A ${BOLD}?${NORM} is prepended to ${BOLD}<query>${NORM} and concatenated onto the ${BOLD}<path>${NORM}."
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}-W${NORM}  --Don't write to history file (only when sourcing script)."
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}-V${NORM}  --Edit the input data interactively in 'vi'. ${BOLD}(PUT, PATCH,"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "      and POST${NORM} requests only, with data piped to stdin.)"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}-Z${NORM}  --Raw output. This disables any processing of HTML in the response."
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}-v${NORM}  --Verbose output. When used with the resty command itself"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "      this prints the saved curl options along with the current"
+    printf "\t%s\n" "      URI base. Otherwise this is passed to curl for verbose curl output."
+    printf "\t%s\n" "${REV}<curl opt>${NORM}  --Any curl options will be passed down to curl."
 resty "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1

@claytondukes a PR would ve preferable :)
(sorry for the late answer)

closing, help section to be included in the 3.0