micah-frank-studio / Lore

Puremagnetik Lore

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The effects do not produce any output until explicitly initialized.

yaremenko8 opened this issue · comments

LORE 1.0.22
The effect chain produces no sound output until you actually set each individual effect manually.
This issue occurs in the following four scenarios:

  1. LORE is launched (standalone/VST synth/VST effect)
  2. LORE is disabled and re-enabled in DAW (VST synth/VST effect)
  3. Options --> Reset to default state
  4. Options --> Load a saved state... (+ proceeding to actually select a file)

Hi — sorry I missed this. I am only now seeing the few issues posted here.
is this still an issue? Are you on Windows or OSX?

I have this issue, or at least a very similar one. If I have any effects set, then I export the audio in Ableton, then the effects produce no output, and to get them to work again I need to nudge the settings of all of them. I'm on Windows.

I don't really understand how CSound and Cabbage work, but it seems like the effects only get loaded in when the user changes selection on one of the slots, but the current selections should also be loaded on initialization?

Edit: scratch that, loadeffects gets called fine when exporting, but it gets an empty effect name

I did a reaaaaaally deep dive of this today and discovered it's actually a bug in Cabbage.


On the line above, filetype should be fileType. This bug prevents the data from combo boxes being correctly restored to the CSound channels when Ableton does an export.

I'm going to send Cabbage a PR.

I sent them a PR: rorywalsh/cabbage#137

There seem to be a few issues with the current development version of Cabbage for Lore. There's the one in my PR, but to make the ComboBox work properly, there's also a few lines which need uncommented, and a recent commit removes setting the current working directory, which breaks the ComboBox population. This branch has all the necessary changes for it to work: https://github.com/TartanLlama/cabbage/tree/lore

Thanks @TartanLlama As Micah knows only too well, comboboxes have been a constant pain for us. I'll go over that PR and we can take it up from there. 👍

@TartanLlama would you mind making a PR for the branch you're using to sort the combobox issues in Lore? I'm swamped with other work at the moment and haven't had a chance to look into this, so a gentle nudge by the way of a PR would be most appreciated 👍

@rorywalsh can do! One issue is that a recent commit which removed CWD setting breaks part of the functionality, so my changes are based on an earlier commit: rorywalsh/cabbage@9c449f8

From this issue (rorywalsh/cabbage#136) I understand that it creates issues with some hosts. So perhaps the best option is for me to:

  • Rebase my changes onto HEAD
  • Modify the Combo Box populate code to:
    • Still avoid setting CWD
    • If the path used is relative, assume it is relative to the current open file

Okay, I created PRs in both repos to address the combo box issues:

Merged 👍 Thanks again for this :) The CI build should be ready shortly for testing..

Actually, I just looked over this, and the following change seems like it might break something:

In the original code the full file, path and extension is returned, but now only the filename is returned? On the other hand, the extension can be got on the Csound side. I'm just concerned it will break existing instruments..

Previously I think the exact contents of that channel were a bit inconsistent, e.g. this line sends just the filename from the Combo Box https://github.com/rorywalsh/cabbage/blob/develop/Source/Widgets/CabbageComboBox.cpp#L97

I do think that one line I uncommented (this one https://github.com/rorywalsh/cabbage/blob/develop/Source/Widgets/CabbageComboBox.cpp#L401) needs changed to match though.

@TartanLlama can you confirm that these latest changes let you work with the Lore effects? I'm still not sure it resolves the problems reported here.

@rorywalsh it does, but requires these changes to Lore to fix the relative path compileorc thing

I just looked through the changes now after confirming it works. Great stuff. On behalf of all the Cabbage and Lore, users thank you for sorting this out 💪