miaowing / nest-schedule

A cron-like and not-cron-like job distributed scheduler for Nest.js by decorators.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

applyDecorators is not a function

jchapelle opened this issue · comments

I'm using the lib as explained in the doc but I'm receiving this error message.
Any idea ?

return common_1.applyDecorators(common_1.SetMetadata(schedule_constants_1.SCHEDULE_CRON_OPTIONS, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { cronTime })), common_1.SetMetadata(schedule_constants_1.SCHEDULER
_NAME, name), common_1.SetMetadata(schedule_constants_1.SCHEDULER_TYPE, scheduler_type_enum_1.SchedulerType.CRON));

TypeError: common_1.applyDecorators is not a function

Same issue, did you have any luck?


Please update @nestjs/common package.

You are using @nestjs/schedule not nest-schedule https://github.com/nestjs/schedule