miaowing / nest-schedule

A cron-like and not-cron-like job distributed scheduler for Nest.js by decorators.

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Distributed scheduling using redis ?

iangregsondev opened this issue · comments


Great module, loving it. I saw that you have a distributed lock class, i was wondering if you had planned some kind of integration with redis so that only 1 node would run the scheduled job or something similar ?

Thanks in advance


Thanks for using Nest Schedule, it not provides redis lock now and you can use a external module, such as redis-lock:

import { createClient } from 'redis';
import * as RedisLock from 'redis-lock';

const redis = createClient();
const lock = RedisLock(redis);

export class DistributedScheduleService extends NestDistributedSchedule {
  constructor() {

 async tryLock(method: string): Promise<TryRelease> {
    console.log('try apply lock: ', method);

    const done: Function = await lock('lock_' + method);

    console.log('applied lock: ', method);

    return () => {
      console.log('try release lock: ', method);
      done(() => console.log('released lock: ', method));

Ah, thats nice to know. Thank you.