mhotan / DataSetExplorer

Web Application and Service that helps people discover Socrata Data Sources and eventually load them into Tableau.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Data Set Explorer (For lack of a better name)

  • Version: 0.0.1

What is this Project in three sentences?

This is web application that is intended to shorten the time it takes for people to find different Data Sets. We want to empower end users by allowing them to find data sets that pertain to them faster then ever before. The application will serve as a search base tool to search and index data sets across different web host and domains.

Follow up Note: The initial intentions of this project was to easily find Socrata data sets to throw into a Tableau visualization. The scope was deemed to specific and was then generalized into an alternate tool to make discovering data simpler and more enjoyable.


What is Open Data?

In simple terms, "Open Data" is data that has been made openly available to the public. While the diversity and adoption of open data has been increasing, there is a lot of debate around which data should be made public. That and the lack of a clear, cookie cutter Return on Investment strategy has resulted in less adoption in some organizations.

See the wiki for a more detailed and articulate explanation.

Who would use this so called Data Set Explorer?

Researchers, Students, Civic activists, Data curious people, and Data Visualization enthusiast.

User Stories

Hypothetical User Stories that help build the scope and vision of this project.

Jane the Social Scientist

Suppose Jane is a social science researcher. Her current project is to compare and contrast the crime activity statistics between different States within the USA. She uses the Data Set Explorer to search for criminal data for different cities within the United States. Instead of panning around Google diving into different different government websites, Jane is able to utilize Data Set Explorer search functionality. She is able to find crime data sets for different cities in the fraction of the time using a common search engine.

Curious Joe

Curious Joe is looking to understand more about his local community's upcoming budget plan. He find that the local media and the people he speaks usually lack empirical evidence in support of their claims. Curious Joe is able to use Data Set Explorer to find the data set he needs. Subsequently Data Set Explorer is able to suggest and show related data sets related to that and nearby communit communities.

Amy, Andy, and Alex (A Cubed) the business analytics team

A Cubed is looking to do research about investment in a particular target area for their business. A Cubed uses Data Explorer to link, share, and save specific notes about particular data sets within their group. This allows them to share notes within themselves without revealing company internal information to the public.

Potential Data Set Sources


Socrata has been an integral company in the progression of open data. They are currently hosting open data for public sector organizations all over the world (but currently mostly in the United States). For more information about who they are please visit their site here. is a fast and effective tool to turn web pages into data sets. See

Target Features

  • Responsive UI - P1
  • Search and Filter data sets across different web services and domains - P1
  • Create groups of users - P1
  • Share data sets publicly, between individuals, or within a group - P1

Advanced Features

  • Tableau Web Connection functionality. - P1
  • Recommendation Engine for Data Sets. - P2


How do I get set up?

The intent with using Java to write our backend and HTML, CSS, AngularJS to write our frontend was to utilize current standards within industry. Thus providing the lightest ramp up cost for interested contributors. We also wanted to be able to have the source code be easily extended.


Clone Git Repository

For the sake of maintainability Github contributors will be kept at a minimum. However, anyone can Fork the Github repository and submit pull request for making contributions.

Command line git clone

git clone

If you are new to git or don't like the command line try SourceTree

Running out of the box

From the root directory command line:

./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/dataset-explorer-[version].jar

(unix below but windows is virtually the same but with gradlew.bat)

Note: the name of the deliverable jar and version are defined in build.gradle


Note: You do not need to download Gradle to work on this project. All gradle commands can be done through the gradle wrapper (gradlew or gradlew.bat)

Database Configuration

TODO How to configure database.

Running Tests

For Java, from the root directory run For unix based systems

./gradlew test

For windows systems

gradlew.bat test
Deployment instructions

TODO Decide which deployment platform to go to. Currently building Alpha

Contribution guidelines


Make git branches are descriptive in what they are trying to achieve. IE. For fixing a bug branch do something like bugfix-broken_homepage For a new feature branch do something like bugfix-broken_homepage

Writing tests

Follow Gradle Java Plugin format. Make sure most classes has there own individual test. IE. src/main/java/ has a test class src/test/java/ for hypothetical ClassA.

Code review

Will be done through Github for each pull request

Writing tests
  • TODO Other guidelines

Other Information

What the heck is a Tableau?

Technically its the french word for table. However, in this context we are refering to Tableau Software. Tableau Software is a data visualization company that seeks to help people see and understand their data. Their desktop product allows users to explore their data and gain understand in fast and delightful ways. They recently announced a new web based "Data Connection" at their last Tableau Conference Key Note see here 1:17:00.

Caveat: At the time of starting this project the owner worked for Tableau Software. This is project was taken on completely independently of either companies.



Web Application and Service that helps people discover Socrata Data Sources and eventually load them into Tableau.


Language:JavaScript 84.0%Language:CSS 15.7%Language:Java 0.2%Language:Groovy 0.2%