mheob / react-simple-split-pane

Just another Simple Split Plane for React

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Dependency Dashboard

renovate opened this issue · comments

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @storybook/addon-storyshots Unavailable

Pending Approval

These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below.

  • chore(deps): update dependency @mheob/eslint-config to v6
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9
  • chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v15
  • chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3
  • chore(deps): update storybook monorepo to v8 (major) (@storybook/addon-essentials, @storybook/addon-storysource, @storybook/cli, @storybook/components, @storybook/react, @storybook/react-webpack5, @storybook/theming, storybook)
  • 🔐 Create all pending approval PRs at once 🔐

Awaiting Schedule

These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.

  • chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (@swc/cli, eslint-plugin-storybook)


Renovate failed to look up the following dependencies: Failed to look up npm package reat-dom.

Files affected: package.json

Detected dependencies

  • @babel/core ^7.18.13
  • @mheob/eslint-config ^5.0.0
  • @mheob/prettier-config ^3.0.0
  • @storybook/addon-essentials ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/addon-storyshots ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/addon-storysource ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/addons ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/cli ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/components ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/react ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/react-webpack5 ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @storybook/theming ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • @swc/cli ^0.1.57
  • @swc/core ^1.2.246
  • @types/react ^18.0.18
  • @types/react-dom ^18.0.6
  • babel-loader ^9.0.0
  • eslint ^8.23.0
  • eslint-plugin-storybook ^0.6.4
  • lint-staged ^13.0.3
  • prettier ^2.7.1
  • react ^18.2.0
  • react-dom ^18.2.0
  • simple-git-hooks ^2.8.0
  • storybook ^7.0.0-alpha.29
  • storybook-addon-swc ^1.1.8
  • typescript ^5.0.2
  • webpack ^5
  • react ^18
  • reat-dom ^18

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository