mhart / alpine-node

Minimal Node.js Docker Images built on Alpine Linux

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Node version change?

appetize-api opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

Been using mhart/alpine-node:10 in an internal pipeline and we started getting an error that this image now has node 10.22.

We were expecting 10.21. Did that change or am I looking at this wrong?

If that's the case, should I be using an official node image instead? Can someone chime in, please?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry what do you mean you got an error?

we have a project that is expecting engine "<=10.21.0". And this week it started acting out.

If you want to use 10.21 and only 10.21 then use mhart/alpine-node:10.21

The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=10.12.0 <=10.21.0". Got "10.22.0"

I see.. so the tag 10 changes.. like a ^10... yes.. that'd explain it... thanks!

That's a super weird requirement for a project (because minor versions are backwards compatible). But if you have to stick to it, then specify it explicitly

Yup.... it is...

Cool, closing 👍