mgreensmith / cozysmoke

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CozySmoke Smoke Tests

A (very!) minimal smoke test suite for the web app and marketing site.

Smoke tests are RSpec and make use of Watir WebDriver via the watir-rspec gem.


OSX or Linux Desktop: Firefox

Linux Server: need a headless browser and JS driver, also an xserver. Capybara-webkit + Xvfb + Headless seems to be a common setup.


  1. Install gems with bundler: bundle install
  2. Modify config/config.yml as needed
  3. Run all tests with rake

Test output will be on STDOUT and also available in HTML format at tmp/spec-results/index.html

This suite could easily be run with Jenkins on a scheduled basis, or even made into Sensu checks.



Language:Ruby 100.0%